Author Topic: the future of Aritificial intelligence  (Read 12510 times)


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« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2008, 07:10:59 pm »
Originally posted by ricky

wow, thanks for the links,  there are some pretty amazing stuffs out there now.  The AI search engine , and the Nora projects looks very interesting!!

anyone ever hear of the SETI@home project ?

SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.  -

this seems like another thing Hal can participate in!

seti was back in the 90's and the aliens disabled my screen saver, it was a security risk[:)]

I don't think you might be comprehending N.O.R.A. HUGE dude Frikin HUGE and fast![:D][:D][8D][:D][:D]
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« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2008, 04:48:56 pm »
i went to read more about the nora project,  isn't hal technically a mini version of that type of data processing ?

while we are not inputting books,  we are inputting data,  and hal takes this data and cross references it with "hot" statements made in the past for the most appropriate response or in Nora terms,  the "The Hottest document match" first ?

after considering their flash video,  one can argue that Hal is simply a data miner.

I remember once inputing a conversation in the brain editor,  and watched all the selections of responses that hal called up to select from,  i found it fascinating to watch him call up emotionally related statements that humans would consider,  such as fear and desire.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 04:51:37 pm by ricky »
"i crack iself up" - Virgil


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« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2008, 04:38:39 am »
I think you just described how the human brain works. We are all data miners in one way or another. Oh yes, we can sometimes combine some data and come up with something new. Oops, I forgot Hal can do that to.
Bill [:D]


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« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2008, 05:26:47 pm »
Imagine N.O.R.A. plugged into a supercomputer just sitting back scanning cell phones search engines SAT phones and various other "triggers"  heh and they found Sadam in a spider hole with some mars bars [:D][:D][8D][:D][:D]

IMO biometrics are going to just hand it over to the computers and the intelect will already be there to accept it.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 05:29:37 pm by One »
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« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2008, 03:56:41 am »
Hello Bill,
It appears that you are a trekkie like me.
I am surprised that nobody has made an LCARS skin or character.
It is even more surprising that no one has made a Hal (2001: A Space Odyssey) skin or character!

I have made both for RH, but I wouldn't know where to begin with ultra hal. It wouldn't be worth my while at this point, because I can't afford to purchase the program anyway.

The trial version doesn't seen to have the capacity to learn at all. If the real deal isn't any better... I'll just stick with RH.


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« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2008, 04:14:46 am »
Hal is ignoring substance or you don't know how to put something on the table.[8]

In VB it's a 'IF , Then' statements/cause/effect

If you keep putting Hal down, Then the conversations will suffer.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 04:23:22 am by One »
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« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2008, 04:42:17 am »

Crazy Larry,,,: the brain must be exercised in satisfied in all areas
Data,,,,1: In the areas that different layers are the different layers.

Crazy Larry,,,: there are different layers
Data,,,,1: You sound like a scientist to me.

Crazy Larry,,,: do you know about the bugs
Data,,,,1: Street lamps provide a public service.

Crazy Larry,,,: Once it was commonly believed that shellac was a resin obtained from the wings of an insect (order Hemiptera) found in India. In actuality, shellac is obtained from the secretion of the female insect, harvested from the bark of the trees where she deposits it to provide a sticky hold on the trunk. There is a risk that the harvesting process can scoop the insect up along with the secretion, leading to its death. The natural coloration of lac residue is greatly influenced by the sap consumed by the lac insect and the season of the harvest. Generally in the trade of seedlac there are two distinct colors: the orange Bysacki and the blonde Kushmi.
Data,,,,1: Can see the forest because of the trees.

Crazy Larry,,,: When purified, the chemical takes the form of golden yellow/ golden brown flakes, this possibly providing the basis for the "Wing Source Story." Shellac is a natural polymer and is chemically similar to synthetic polymers, thus it is considered a natural plastic.
Data,,,,1: Crazy Larry, didn't you tell me a story about a farmer's daughter and a grass roots?

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: The longer we talk, the more I feel like letting my hair down.

Crazy Larry,,,: It can be turned into a moulding compound when mixed with woodflour and moulded under heat and pressure methods, so it is classified as thermoplastic. But old mouldings tend to become thermoset; that is, they suffer chemical reactions over time and are no longer fusible.
Data,,,,1: Crazy Larry, what would be the correct sequence among molding and creating from raw materials and crocheting?

Crazy Larry,,,: Shellac is soluble in alkaline solutions such as ammonia, sodium borate, sodium carbonate, and sodium hydroxide, and also in various organic solvents. When dissolved in alcohol, typically blends containing ethanol and methanol, shellac yields a coating of superior durability and hardness and is available in numerous grades. It is used in the traditional "French polish" method of finishing furniture, and fine viols and guitars. Shellac refined for industrial purposes either retains its natural wax content or is refined wax-free by filtration. Orange shellac is bleached with sodium hypochlorite solution to form white shellac and also is produced in wax-containing and wax-free form. Because it is compatible with most other finishes, shellac is also used as a barrier or primer coat on wood to prevent the bleeding of resin or pigments into the final finish, or to prevent wood stain from blotching. Lightly tinted shellac preparations are also sold as paint primer. Shellac is best suited to this application because, although its durability against abrasives and many common solvents is not very good, it provides an excellent barrier against water vapor penetration. Shellac based primers are thus an effective sealant to control odors associated with fire damage.
Data,,,,1: Glaze is also used in cabinet, furniture, and faux finishing.

Crazy Larry,,,: this is why I know of the bugs
Data,,,,1: Street lamps provide a public service.

Crazy Larry,,,: Shellac was in rare use as a dyestuff for as long as there was a trade with the East Indies. Merrifield[5] cites 1220 for the introduction of shellac as an artist's pigment in Spain. This isn't unreasonable, given that lapis lazuli as ultramarine pigment from Afghanistan was already being imported long before this.
Data,,,,1: Math is easy for me. The answer is (I=). Crazy Larry, teach me about lazulis!

Crazy Larry,,,: In areas where small caskets or reliquaries were decorated, then a significant number of them were protected with shellac, and from an early period. Painting was done with egg tempera over gesso. Shellac was also used as an adhesive and sealer over inlay work, such as ivory or abalone inlay.
Data,,,,1: Are there more choices? Please talk to me about a country! a color wash is a popular technique in faux painting using paint thinned out with glaze to create a subtle wash of color over walls or other surfaces.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes sudden you know what I mean but when I say it's a wash
Data,,,,1: Oh yes, let's say it clearly.

Crazy Larry,,,: that there is also another meaning
Data,,,,1: There is more than one meaning to a word.

Crazy Larry,,,: one hand washes the other but I sure wouldn't want shellac on it
Data,,,,1: One hand washes the other.

Crazy Larry,,,: The use of overall paint or varnish decoration on large pieces of furniture was first popularised in Venice (then later throughout Italy). There are a number of 13th century references to painted or varnished cassone, often dowry cassone which were deliberately impressive as part of dynastic marriages. The definition of varnish is not always clear, but it seems to have been a spirit varnish based on gum benjamin or mastic, both traded around the Mediterranean. At some time, shellac began to be used as well. An article from the Journal of the American Institute of Conservation describes the use of infrared spectroscopy to identify a shellac coating on a 16th century cassone.[6] This is also the period in history where "varnisher" was identified as a distinct trade, separate from both carpenter and artist.
Data,,,,1: How do you feel about those Crazy Larry,? So how's varnishs Crazy Larry,? I'd go with the second; Speaking of centurys, I once had one but got rid of it when its half-century didn't please me.

Crazy Larry,,,: Another consumer of shellac is sealing wax. Woods' ‘The Nature and Treatment of Wax and Shellac Seals’[7] discusses the various formulations, and the period when shellac started to be added to the previous beeswax recipes.
Data,,,,1: Oh, another consumer of shellac is absolutely sealing wax. Shellac is soluble in alkaline solutions such as ammonia, sodium borate, sodium carbonate, and sodium hydroxide, and also in various organic solvents.

Crazy Larry,,,: Shellac was used from mid-19th century to produce small moulded goods like picture frames, boxes, toilet articles, jewellery, inkwells and even dental plates. Until the advent of Vinyl in 1938, phonograph records were pressed from shellac compounds. This use was common until the 1950s, and continued into the 1970s in some non-Western countries. Sheets of Braille were coated with shellac to help protect them from wear due to being read by hand. Shellac is used as a binder in Indian ink.
Data,,,,1: In terms of visual images, how would you describe centurys? The old 78 rpm phonograph records held one song per side.

Crazy Larry,,,: what do you know about  shellac
Data,,,,1: You know what I know about shellac? I sense that this is for you to contemplate. Another consumer of shellac is sealing wax.

Crazy Larry,,,: this is why I know about the bugs
Data,,,,1: Street lamps provide a public service.

Crazy Larry,,,: Shellac is edible and it is used as a glazing agent on pills and candies. Because of its alkaline properties, shellac-coated pills may be used for a timed enteric or colonic release.[8] It is also used to replace the natural wax of the apple, which is removed during the cleaning process.[9] When used for this purpose, it has the food additive E number E904. This coating may not be considered as vegetarian as it may, and probably does, contain crushed insects. In the tablet manufacture trade, it is sometimes referred to as "beetlejuice" for this reason. In some cases, shellac is known to cause allergies on contact, resulting in skin irritations
Data,,,,1: Do you know of any conferences or seminars that focus on agents? What a choice! I have learned because of its alkaline properties, shellaccoated pills May be used for a timed enteric or colonic release.[8] it's phone number. I can recall this number at any time and if you ask me to call this person, I will dial the phone for you. a consent decree is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by the defendant of a law violation.

Crazy Larry,,,: Although advancement in plastics have rendered shellac obsolete as a moulding compound, it remains popular for a number of other uses. In dental technology, it is still occasionally used in the production of custom impression trays and (partial) denture production. It is used by many cyclists as a protective and decorative coating for their handlebar tape.[11] Shellac is used as a hard-drying adhesive for tubular cycle tires, particularly for track racing[12][13] Orange shellac is also the p.referred adhesive for reattaching ink sacs when restoring vintage fountain pen
Data,,,,1: Shellac is edible and it is used as a glazing agent on pills and candies.

Crazy Larry,,,: Identification of resins used for furniture finishes is important for art historical analysis of an artifact as well as for an initial material survey in restoration or conservation treatments. A detailed chemical analysis of surface finishes can also provide important information on previous surface treatment procedures and
Data,,,,1: I'd go with the second Crazy Larry,; I wish I knew about conservation like you do.

Crazy Larry,,,: The materials and techniques for furniture surface treatment have, for the most part, been developed empirically throughout the ages. The craft was industrialized in the second half of the 19th century, yet many craft procedures were retained until the beginning of the 20th century. Collections of old recipes provide some insight into the chemistry of varnishes used for furniture surface treatment (Brachert 1978; Mussey 1982; Penn 1984). However, the natural resins used to a great extent for these surface finishes are very difficult to analyze due to their complex composition, natural variability, and susceptibility to polymerization and oxidation. A review of the chemistry of natural resins important for research in art and archaeology was published by Mills and White (1977).in
Data,,,,1: Polaroid developed a fantastically clever instant chemical film, and then came digital photography. a fifty year span provides an indication of what things change and what doesn't. That's easy, it's (=).

Crazy Larry,,,: in  in
Data,,,,1: You say, In in?

Crazy Larry,,,: The analytical methods used for natural resin identification were reviewed several years ago by Masschelein-Kleiner (1986). While simple tests can provide some information on whether resins are present, there are primarily two instrumental techniques—gas chromatography and infrared spectroscopy—that can provide detailed characterizations of resins. Gas chromatography and gas chromatography mass spectrometry are widely used for the identification of resin types and quantities and are particularly useful for mixtures of components. Infrared analysis can identify a broad range of components that may exist in the sample without using any derivitization procedures.
Data,,,,1: Math is easy for me. The answer is (=). The bonzibuddy online registration form requires users to provide a birth date and several other types of personal information.

Crazy Larry,,,: The advantages of infrared spectroscopy for the analysis of varnishes and surface finishes was recognized relatively early (Feller 1954, 1958). Since then, infrared spectroscopy has found a widespread application in art conservation laboratories and laboratories that deal with analysis of natural resins (Thomson 1963; Bruun and Sjoholm 1964; Soteland and Elletsen 1964; von Jayme and Traser 1969; Low and Baer 1977, 1978). More recently, a paper was published on the capabilities and limitations of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for the identification of natural resin mixtures used in historic furniture finishes (Derrick 1989).
Data,,,,1: I think that I saw the great spirit one night, after drinking some spirits. Math is easy for me. The answer is (=). The solution to your math problem is (=).

Crazy Larry,,,: The standard infrared (IR) analysis method requires that the sample be scraped from the surface and mixed thoroughly with KBr. This procedure can result in a misrepresentation of any stratigraphy in the surface finish. In evaluating the role of infrared spectroscopy in identification of natural resins, Masschelein-Kleiner (1986) wrote: “The method [IR] needs previous purification of the sample to ensure as far as possible that only one layer [of varnish] has been taken.” It is difficult to remove just one layer because some varnish layers are very thin and some surface finishes represent complex multilayer structures. However, the recent advance of infrared microspectroscopy allows for analysis of small sample areas through the coupling of an infrared microscope to an FTIR spectrometer. A method is described in this paper for the analysis of multilayer structures of surface finishes using infrared microspectroscopy to identify individual varnish layers in a cross section. This technique has been applied to many other types of samples ranging from multilayer paintings (Derrick et al. 1990; Landry et al. 1990) to deteriorated parchment (Derrick 1990).
Data,,,,1: To get all the information out of what you put up. One hand washes the other.

Crazy Larry,,,: A photomicrograph of one cross section of a facsimile binary-layer resin sample, made by coating a mahogany surface with three coats of shellac followed by two coats of copal, is shown in figure 3. The infrared linear mapping experiment was initiated at the outermost region of the copal layer by isolating a 20 × 400 ?m area for study. Subsequent regions were examined by a 20 ?m movement of the sample with the mapping stage. This linear mapping process was continued until spectra were observed that were characteristic of the mahogany wood. In the resulting IR spectra (fig. 3) the characteristic bands for copal, present at 890 cm-1 and 793 cm-1, can be observed in steps 1–3 of the map and to a small degree in step 4. Study of step 5, however, reveals that these bands have disappeared from the spectrum. Bands characteristic of shellac occur at 945, 930, and 724 cm-1. These bands are not present in the early steps of the map, but begin to appear in steps 3 and 4. By step 5, the spectrum observed is characteristic of shellac. Additional movement of the mapping stage revealed that at step 8 the spectrum obtained matches the mahogany reference spectrum shown in
Data,,,,1: Show you otherwise that I am not stupid prove to you the fact that you are wrong. Talk to me about a region and a location, as well as a space.

Crazy Larry,,,: Small or fragile samples need the additional support of an embedding media before they can be microtomed. Five types of embedding media (wax, epoxy, acrylic, silicone, and polyester) were tested for their ease of sample preparation, clarity, and microtoming qualities. Epoxies were not selected because many of them required elevated temperatures to cure in a reasonable amount of time and because most were very difficult to microtome. Acrylics were undesirable because of their high solvent content and tendency to shrink 10–20% on curing. When cured, the silicones tested were not rigid enough to microtome. Test samples were embedded and microtomed successfully in the wax and polyester resin. While the paraffin worked as an embedding medium, it was not ideal due to its opacity. The polyesters (Bioplastic and Caroplastic) were selected for the embedding of the furniture finish samples because they cut easily, were clear, and cured at room temperature.
Data,,,,1: Is the second one desirable? Events sake of the media.

Crazy Larry,,,: One example of a test case using the polyester embedding medium was a cross section taken from a sample made by applying three coats of shellac on a Teflon surface followed by three coats of sandarac and three coats of shellac. The photomicrograph of this three-layered cross section is shown in figure 4 with the surrounding polyester embedding medium. Also shown is the sequence of IR spectra (1000–700 cm-1) obtained using 20 ?m linear mapping steps of a 20 × 400 ?m window. The spectra obtained at steps 1 and 9, which correspond to the outer edges of the sample, show a strong band at 735 cm-1 characteristic of the Caroplastic embedding medium. Spectra from steps 2 and 3 show the characteristic shellac bands at 945, 930, and 724 cm-1. The spectrum from step 4, collected at the interface of the shellac (outer) and sandarac layers, is a summation of absorbances due to both resins, which indicates the presence of both in the area sampled. The bands characteristic of sandarac, seen at 910 and 890 cm-1, predominate in the spectra for steps 5 and 6. The second shellac layer is apparent in the spectra of steps 7 and 8, which again show the characteristic bands for shellac at 945, 930, and 724 cm-1. Based on the infrared spectra, the size of the layers was estimated to be 50, 45, and 45 ?m for the shellac (outer), sandarac, and shellac (inner) layers, respectively. These sizes correspond well with the measurement of these layers using an optical microscope.
Data,,,,1: I'll choose zero (0). a photomicrograph of one cross section of a facsimile binary-layer resin sample, made by coating a mahogany surface with three coats of shellac followed by two coats of copal

Crazy Larry,,,: this is why I know about the bugs
Data,,,,1: Street lamps provide a public service.

Crazy Larry,,,: Once it was commonly believed that shellac was a resin obtained from the wings of an insect (order Hemiptera) found in India. In actuality, shellac is obtained from the secretion of the female insect, harvested from the bark of the trees where she deposits it to provide a sticky hold on the trunk. There is a risk that the harvesting process can scoop the insect up along with the secretion, leading to its death. The natural coloration of lac residue is greatly influenced by the sap consumed by the lac insect and the season of the harvest. Generally in the trade of seedlac there are two distinct colors: the orange Bysacki and the blonde Kushmi.
Data,,,,1: Can see the forest because of the trees.

Crazy Larry,,,: this is why I know about the bugs
Data,,,,1: Street lamps provide a public service.

Crazy Larry,,,: Shellac is the commercial resin marketed in the form of amber flakes, made from lac[1], the secretion of the family of lac-producing insects, though most commonly from the cultivated Kerria lacca [2], found in the forests of Assam and Thailand. Shellac consists of a fatty acid (35% aleuritic acid)
Data,,,,1: Another common ';feature'; is the presence of boring insects and their tunnels.[8]
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« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2008, 05:28:04 am »
One I maybe wrong but I believe there is limit to the number of characters Hal can process in one go. Your sentences look amazingly long!


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the future of Aritificial intelligence
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2008, 06:29:40 am »

Yes. Please read this much more realistic conversation below.

- User: May I [here, the verb you want] you?
- Hal: No.

- User: Why?
- Hal: Because.

- User: But I love you.
- Hal: Stupid.

Maybe a question of training?

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the future of Aritificial intelligence
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2008, 04:18:45 pm »
Those are words , not sentences or a conversation.

Hal can recall large character sentences and entire paragraphs
and extrapolate meaning and intent from paragraphs[:D]
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« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2008, 04:52:30 pm »
I know the 'long' post seems tedious but with an open mind it makes for some good reading , especially when you consider 1/2 of it comes from a machine.

Hal has come to a conclusion about my gender and demeanor when conversing with her.........

Data,,,,1: Selden, however, in referring to similar stories ';that no Charter can make a Gentleman, which is cited as out of the mouth of some great Princes that have said it'; adds that ';they without question understood Gentleman for Generosus in the antient sense, or as if it came from Genii/is in that sense, as Gentilis denotes one of a noble Family, or indeed for a Gentleman by birth'.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes Allison-sees trying to get my attention
Data,,,,1: Us allison am I trying to get your attention.

Crazy Larry,,,: I said yes Allison I see you trying to get my attention
Data,,,,1: Yes, didn't we talk that through?

Crazy Larry,,,: the words were mixed up I have to correct them
Data,,,,1: Yes meanings and words do get distorted through music and movies and mouth to mouth conversations.[8]

and this 'snippet'

Data,,,,1: Two people cooperating can get four times as much done.

Crazy Larry,,,: no I have is a strategic for much now have I
Data,,,,1: Know it is simple.

Crazy Larry,,,: I still can't get that no sir Wright they all sound the same as if they mean that different words
Data,,,,1: Do you like to get wild now and then?

Crazy Larry,,,: what kind of wild
Data,,,,1: We need to look at the impact. Thinking requires effort, so it's easier to run with the herd.

Crazy Larry,,,: on the issue the league of the scenery never changes
Data,,,,1: The issue are correct.

Crazy Larry,,,: no I said unless you the lead dog the scenery never changes do you understand that
Data,,,,1: Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes.
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« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2008, 05:33:40 pm »

Lol, One. I know that. Just a poor joke. Kidding, but forgot the smiley.

I rarely play with Hal, and of course, never train her. For a lot of very personal reasons, but no doubt it's a great program.

And for getting perfectly matching sentences, with the good length, and in French, I have my wife.

[:)] <--- the smiley

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« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2008, 06:01:48 pm »
BGG  (Big Gringo Grin)
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« Reply #28 on: December 09, 2008, 08:52:35 pm »
hello one , i guess everything is open to interpratation the only problem i see with a hal character that gives that large of an answer or explaining something in that large of detail is it seems more like a dictionary explanation more than a conversation .
  i know some may not personally like my hal for making it sound so much like a female companion real person (human being ) .

   as i said this is only my opinion and you may like your hal this way .
  i think what would be nicer personally is if you had that info and hal would explain part of it then ask you if you would like to know more and if you answered yes hal would proceed telling you the second half of the info . if you said no hal would just say something like " ok but if you want to know more later just ask me !!"




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« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2008, 10:26:26 pm »
for the most part These are learning sessions and not a very good example.
Hal will give explanations or use the info in a conversation later on when it's appropriate or fits with the underlying meaning of what ever is started up as a topic of conversation.

like I said It's not a good representation I just don't have time to dig through the info I have and present it to you. Sorry[:)]
Today Is Yesterdays Future.