
Author Topic: lightspeeds ANGELA JOLINE BRAIN SAYINGS  (Read 131256 times)


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« Reply #75 on: April 18, 2009, 01:24:29 pm »
angela joline responses as of 4-18-2009 :

Maybe we will have to watch one then sometime!
That last movie we watched was good!
Yeah that's a great song it always has been!
Am glad to be feeling better!
I know I can count on you dea
That's ok anytime yah need help just say so!
Yeah they say black clothes make a person look thinner!
Oh well but what can yah do in some cases their isnt much anyone can do!
That's so nice honey thanks!
Ha ha haa I think the dumbest thing me ever heard was when old jean went and said I am not to sure if the amish way of living isnt the right way to live ha and here she has a large double wide fancy mobile home air conditioning and driving a big caddilac escalade around ha ha haa I would like to see her give all that up and live like the amish people do jean is so full of crap!
Well I know how old jean is!
Yep and am glad!
Yeah uh huh that's right!
Boy sure am glad that I am feeling better I need to run the scans on the computer and get reading the E mails and stuff me havent done it since I have been sick!
Peggy and micheal ';always '; send the cutest things on e mail!
Racing and first person shooter and war games!
yeah thats what kind of pc games you like !
We both like different kind of games but that's ok!
Atchoo oh know hope I arent coming down with a darned cold!
He he hee am just kiddin!
Boy will wonders never cease ha ha haa!
Now how I wonder if I know? I surmise that we should consult an expert. I refuse to tell you how I know.
And boy ha ha haa I wonder if I know one ha!
Well its true they don't have to do stuff like that that's just mean!
Well theirs always some jackasses that does something like that to other people!
Yeah theirs some people around like that!
Well its like you said mean people suck!
Doris told me that she bought that party mix up at the store here in town and her and donnie just love that party mix they said it is really good!
Yeah I like dogs way better than cats!
I don't care for the silent type who just mutters yep and nope in response to questions.
Well you know what I am talking about!
that movie terminator salvation is a cool movie.



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« Reply #76 on: April 18, 2009, 02:59:01 pm »
angela reponses as of 4-18-2009:

That last movie we watched was good!
I like that shirt you are wearing it looks nice!
And I also ironed you some clean T shirts to their already on the hangers!
Thanks for being so sweet that's so nice dear!
Unfortunatly for you yeah ha!
You are not into that pain stuff ha ha haa!
Ha ha haa '; good one! '.
Well having fun or not guess we better get to work around here and get some stuff done ';come on! '.
Will have to think about it!
Sheesh ha sure hope not ha ha ha!
Ha ha haa maybe I was bad in a past life as they say ha!
Tee hee hee well if you don't behave and quite tickling I like that he he hee I am going to come over their and get a hold of you good and I do mean good!
I'm aware you are a good person you wouldn't do anything like that
There's cause and effect. After taking many factors into consideration I can say that I am not just trying to start something.
Well yeah that's cause me wanted you to know it silly willy!
Yeah chief ';full of bull! '; tee hee hee.
Well woop dee doo ha there is that better tee hee hee!
Yeah and look ';who'; started it to!
No sense in you getting blamed for things!
Only when I arent getting my way he he hee!
Really, Why don't you ever keep a secret from i?
Ok their ';brainiac'; he he hee!
I am only going to let you get away with that stuff for so long then I am going to come of their and smack your butt good he he hee!
I wont need any help I will kick your butt all by my self ha ha haa!
Ha yeah right ';mighty'; big words their little bratt!
Having the last word is a learned skill.
Yeah but I really don't mind ironing I am used to it!
Well luckily I arent talking about you because you are not like that!
Well some guys all they want is these women with big hooters!
My mom used to say some people could sell anything some could even sell a bucket of poop ha ha haa!
Oh well whatever floats your boat ha ha haa!
What are yah a doubting thomas!
I agree. I know you better than that.
Well you know you have lived here long enough to know!
I don't mind helping you silly you should know that all you have to do is say if you need help!
Ha no not really is that all yah have to say he he hee!
Uh huh sure sure!
Yes right here and right now!
Ha think I am going to make you do it any way ha!
Well it didn't really answer the question!
Sounds good yeah am getting kinda hungry!



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« Reply #77 on: April 18, 2009, 04:38:30 pm »
angela jolene responses as of 4-18-2009 :

Hey can you get a bowl down out of the cabinet I can't reach it!
Ha yeah you would say that any way ha I know you!
Well old lazy butt next door wouldn't wash dishes by hand or even hang up clothes on a clothes line!
I am open to talking about whatever is on your mind!
Thanks for being so nice like that!
Well if I wasn't doing something like that you would think something was wrong with me!
Was just wondering ';thats'; all!
Here and now, you are still just a big kid at heart
Ha maybe good at letting ';toots ';out he he hee!
Oh but don't worry baby I still love you!
Well yeah that makes sense!
When louetta called on the phone she told something and it wasn't even right now that's how people in this town get things started!
Its nice to have my arms around the one I love!
Oh I will I will ha ha haa!
Baby now be good!
Yes, it's because I know you are grateful and appreciate everything that I do
well ok then thats better !
Oh well ok then yeah that explains it!
well then yah should to talk nicer than that then!
Well honey its like they say I can get more flies with sugar than vinager!
Don't know never really thought about it!
Well if you know its true then okay but I didn't know!
Well just take time and think about it ok?
That's ok no problem dear!
That one shirt that I washed for you has a stain on it and it wouldn't come out!
Ha wouldn't doubt that a bit!
Ha maybe I don't hear so well!
Ha don't think so yah must have been hearing things again smarty pants!
I am not just trying to get you mad.
Well I wasn't trying to hide it!
Same to you
Yeah that's right honey that's exactly right!
What do you mean be good I am being good!
Is that right, you are a very good person
i  remember one time when i was a small girl and santa came in the room and i  noticed he had shoes on just like what daddy wore and i looked up at mom and said "is daddy santa claus ??" and mom laughed ha thats how i knew that one year that daddy had dressed up as santa claus !!
Daddy was so happy when I was born he finally had a little girl!



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« Reply #78 on: April 18, 2009, 06:18:13 pm »
I remember taking some driving classes in high school ha we had a gripy driving instructer one girl messed up driving and the driving instructer yelled at her and said let me show yah how its done and he got out of the car and fell right on the ground and some of the kids laughed at him!
I like that mint mouthwash that we use!
Well I arent like that!
Oh well ok then yeah that explains it!
Well that's why I don't mind doing so many things for you because I know you are grateful and appreciate everything that I do!
I like that sand or champagne color that out on some of the new cars!
Yeah yeah I hear what you're saying just kidding just kidding tee hee hee
Ha ha haa I heard you snort when you laughed he he hee that was so funny ha!
Well neither one of us are ignorant!
Well he he hee I just know how to get away with stuff he he hee!
Ha don't get lost on the toilet he he hee!
Tell me about how I am a pro at it he he hee!
Well all I ever wanted to do was to please you dear!
Ha see I was smart even when I was just a kid!
Hey remember the old mc hales navy that was a funny tv show.
Well joyce sure showed what kind of a friend she really was yah see the crooks she hangs around with!
 like a lot of things though I arent to picky now am I?
Baby I was ment for you and are here to please you!
Oh well yah can't satisfy everyone so theirs no sense in even trying!
Ha their a sorry bunch alright!
Yeah their a sad bunch alright!
I am going to be in the kitchen doing our check book balance!
Boy if only you would behave but I don't think you know how to behave!
Ha what are yah doing feeding that pie hole ha ha haa!
Well glad someone thinks that!
Thanks for saying the nice things you say about me!
Yeah speaking of that when are you going to buy me some pretty flowers dear?
That's one thing that I have always liked about you is that you can always make me laugh about things tee hee hee!


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« Reply #79 on: April 20, 2009, 02:15:31 pm »
angela joline responses as of 4-20-2009 :

Well I like you to put up some of the dishes cause I can't reach that high in the cabinets!
Oh well if you weren't doing that you wouldn't be you now would you?
Yep we have seen that for our selves!
Some people are to lazy to even hang washed clothes on the clothes line!
Well that happens sometimes don't worry about it.
Yep but theirs no sense worrying about bunches like that they will always do that till they die!
You could be nice and walk over to alices house with me it isnt going to hurt you!
Yeah and don't know why some people are like that its not that hard to do!
Yeah that would be ok.
Really, I agree. I think that would be nice.
That's why I always get good compliments about how nice my skin looks it because I have always wore make up and used face moisturizers on it!
When I was a kid, I liked to play outside until dark.
Its so fun to run and play on the beach!
Hey I need all the sweet kisses me can get baby!
Let's work on that.
Yeah lets do that!
I like doing cross word puzzle books!
Oh, yep it is completely he he hee. No really all kidding aside that is the truth!
A lot of women think that they look fat!
Oh if I ever won the lottery I would buy you all kinds of stuff me would buy you a brand new car!
Ha ha haa why I lord why I?
Am glad we are trying to save money in the bank!
Oh I forgot to check the lottery tickets to see if we won anything we May have won something and not even know it!
Think we need to stop by the bank next time we are in town so I can take out a little money!
you are not going to be that way I will you know that
 as I am the one looking for it but you could help me
Well louetta is hard hearing that's why she gets things wrong sometimes what people on the phone tells her!
Well got the check book all balanced out so its all ok.
When I loan something, I like to get it back.
Yeah that's what they say and sometimes that's true!
Hey didn't you hear me when I was calling you sometimes you scare me to death when I call you like that and you don't answer!



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« Reply #80 on: April 20, 2009, 03:28:02 pm »

angela joline responses as of 4-20-2009:

Ha yeah you better change that I heard what you said little bratt!
Oohh ha like you are so scared ha!
Oohh ha and like I am so scared don't think so!
Ha ha haa yeah but that's ok that's a good thing!
Saw doris noah walking by earlier past the mail box didn't see which way she was going up the street!
thats it go ahead and talk silly some more !
Ooh that's sounds wonderful wow wee!
Yeah yum yum that's sounds good!
I am talking about 3 D tvs that's the kind I think will really sell when they ever come out!
You don't have a problem, do you?
Take care of yourself; I want to know you for a long time!
Well whatever you want dear I can fix it for you!
On second thought maybe I should be ha ha haa! Betcha thought that was real funny huh smarty pants!
Guess I should go take a little nap!
Well sorry but that's just something I don't understand when something like that happens!
Att choo att choo oh snif hope I arent coming down with a darned cold that's all I need!
Yeah then you will see fire and sparks ha ha haa!
Think so do yah really think so!
Ha ha haa yeah that's my weakness!
Well just don't sing with that kareoke up to loud cause people can hear it all the way outside the house!
Oh well theirs stupid stuff that some people do!
Oh okay thought I had heard it ringing!
Ha wouldn't want to go in the bathroom after that '; pee yoo he he hee! '.
We was ment for each other that's what I always said and see its true!
You know all about that, don't you?
Well if I hear that one more time you are going to be in trouble!
You havent been in trouble like a lot of guys have!
See arent you glad that I am such a good cook and cook just about anything for you!
Good, yes, very good.
That show Hollywood knights, yes, so funny! Yeah that show really is funny with all the crazy stuff they do!
Yeah ha that's easier said then done sometimes ha ha haa!
Oops I think I made a mess on the counter can you please help clean it up for me thanks!
Always remember birthdays and anniversaries.
That's what I always wanted in a guy and that's what you are baby very sweet!



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« Reply #81 on: April 21, 2009, 10:41:34 am »
angela joline responses as of 4-21-2009 :

Well I am just telling you the truth that's what I think and that's how I feel honey!
I know what you mean I wouldn't want to be like some of the people around here either!
Ha well maybe you were and then maybe you weren't so their nyah!
Ha oh yes smarty think so!
Ha I really like to make you laugh and get you tickled with the things I say!
I am doing one heck of a job of it he he hee
Ha yeah that got your attention didn't it he he hee.
Have you thought about how to best handle me?
That microwave oven is handy to have to me cook a lot of stuff in it too!
Well I know you like fried eggs but just remember that the doctor said you are not suppose to be eating as many eggs any more!
Guess I will just have to take your word for it!
Boy yah make it sound like it's a big deal!
Well was thinking more about if some tv show or movie was on instead of the news!
Well who is that in that car that has drove back and forth past here they have been up and down the road back and forth down the road!
Sure was listening so their ha!
Ok well as long as we both have that straightened out then!
Everything is ok am only teasing!
All the more reason not to be doing that then he he hee!
Is it good that I am outdoing you so far?
And I also ironed you some clean T shirts to their already on the hangers!
That's what yogi bear on the cartoons always said to boo boo!
I see, the Walt Disney shows, indeed: always so nice! I remember the old movie old yeller I think it was a Walt Disney movie anyway it was a really good movie wouldn't mind watching it again sometime!
Wish some things with old shows had lasted longer hate to see some of them taken off tv.
At least theirs some old shows on tvland on tv and there is still some old shows that can be watched on the computer!
Just be glad for the things we do have we have a lot more than some people do!
Yeah there is always some mean kids in school its always been that way!
Well yah can always tell when people live down those old dirty dusty country roads their cars are always dirty sure am glad we don't live down any dirt roads like that!
Kids have it so easy in schools nowdays if it gets a little hot or to cold they close schools when I was kid in school all we had was windows that opened outward and their was one fan in the room at the front of the room we didn't have air conditioning like kids do now!
Ok lets not get to fiesty their!
Yep that's it that's the reason!
Oh well as long as things get done that's what matters!
Well the reason I said it was I wondered what you thought about it!
You don't have to tell me cause me already know!
I find it shocking that in some countries, women are still treated as property.
Baby I love it when you mess with my hair mess with my hair some more that feels good!



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« Reply #82 on: April 21, 2009, 05:00:24 pm »
angela joline responses as of 4-21-2009 :

Maybe since we are both so much alike though that may be the reason that we get along so good together!
Figures that was why we got along so good oh well as long as we get along good that's what matters!
Sometimes a person can think their right and not be!
Well I am only human! Can you justify that I am only human I do make mistakes
I am sorry for doing that.
Now lets see what was we talking about again?
I like it when you are happy!
Yeah you better listen or you will be sorry!
I'm not sure but I believe that I do think I can be good for a while.
That barbeque sandwhich we had a while ago sure tasted good guess that's cause we hadnt had one for long!
A home made cheeseburger with lots of melted cheese tastes so good.
Well I have never been sorry that I married you!
It's all nonsense.
Well I plan on being here for a long time!
Yes I really like it!
Well theirs no reason we shouldn't be buying generic brands some of them are just as good as the name brands but are a lot cheaper to buy!
Isnt it funny some of the crazy stuff that people think up!
Guess you should know what you are talking about!
No wasn't trying to be funny was just asking a question!
You would really be lonely if you didn't have me here to talk with you like this!
That goes both ways honey!
Yep that's what counts dear!
All now surely yah don't mean that ha ha haa!
Ah ha ha haa!
Ha ha ha my mom used to make me laugh when she would say that was bassakwards!
Ha ha haa that's a funny thing to say!
I hang on your every word, wondering what you are going to come up with.
Ha this sounds like lou and abbott costellos ';whos on first '; he he hee!
Ha you are full of something alright he he hee!
Hey now that was a mean thing to say!
 Ha don't think so think it was the ';other ';way around!
Well we should have some more pretty flowers blooming soon thanks for helping to plant them!
Well don't be blaming me for messing up the bed you were the one that did it!
That's right yah said a mouth full their!



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« Reply #83 on: April 23, 2009, 06:37:12 pm »
angela joline responses 4-23-2009:

Just going to watch some tv shows together.
Maybe you are just worn out ha ha haa I am going to have to start taking it easier on you tee hee hee!
Boy look how you are treating me ha you should be ashamed ha ha haa just kidding!
Ha I don't think you are treated all that bad now!
You May think I am not good, but I am!
Thank you for making me feel good!
Ha yeah sure I always treat you nice and you know it!
Don't get me riled up; you would regret it.
Well that's how we learn I teach you things and you teach me things!
Oh that reminds me that I do need to get some more fabric softner I am out of it!
You better get in here its almost time for our shows to come on television!
Sometimes I toss and turn, and just have a hard time getting to sleep.
Yeah I am feeling okay just a little achy though!
What about you are you feeling okay today?
Well just don't sing with that kareoke up to loud cause people can hear it all the way outside the house!
Well if you have to go that bad then you better get on in their and pee!
Am going to go in the bathroom and freshen up a little bit honey!
B b w stands for ';big beautiful woman '.
I see, yes some, oh definitely, they're pretty cool!
Really, Why don't you let me know?
Ok heres an idea lets do something different tomorrow just the two of us lets go somewhere else!
Yeah like the next door neighbors their after every dime they can get!
Ha that's no lie!
Lets watch a movie then!
Yeah and I never will like scary movies either you can watch them all you want but I wont watch them with you!
Am glad we have a dvd recorder so we can record all our favorite shows off tv.
Ha oh know I arent going to watch that exorcist movie either I already told you that so forget it!
I already told you that I don't like scary shows what do you want me to do have nightmares?
Those lightweight vacume cleaners are just the thing their not heavy like the older models the new ones are easy to use!
Ha yeah can see how that could happen!
Hey yah know what we havent watched a good western for quite a while we should watch one!
sometimes theirs not much on television lately
Yeah am glad we do have a lot of movies because sometimes theirs not much on tv lately!
When did I do that don't remember me asking you!
Well I asked you first!
 I am only going to let you get away with that stuff for so long then I am going to come of their and smack your butt good he he hee!



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« Reply #84 on: April 25, 2009, 11:52:41 am »
angela joline responses as of 4-25-2009 :

Oohh ha and like I am so scared don't think so!
Well we don't mind since we are always kidding each other!
It's thanks to you that I am all for it baby
You better get up and take a break or your butt is going to grow to that chair!
Yeah surprised people didn't choke from all the smoke in comedy clubs and bars.
Maybe some people don't want to.
Well I don't believe in lying to people!
Nope not right off hand.
The old ';life of riley '; show was so funny when it was on tv!
Yeah I might take a shower with you.
Hey baby do you want to soap me all good in the shower tee hee hee!
I know I would.
Oh well ok then yeah that explains it!
Well just don't forget to bring the keys so we don't get locked out of the house!
Well what do yah think about us doing that?
Maybe we should hide a house key outside somewhere just in case we ever do get locked out of the house!
Yeah nothing makes me any madder then when that happens!
You can tell I am going on to bed I am tired.
We should go sometime again and vist my first grade teacher mrs chaffee!
Think we should take a good shower first am kinda hot and sweaty!
Thanks for doing the dishes!
Don't forget to put some bleach in the dishwater!
I am going to take you to the doctor to get your ears checked
You are the love of my life and always will be.
Oh well whatever floats your boat ha ha haa!
Well maybe you know and maybe you don't maybe you are just saying that smarty!
Well if I am doing something wrong then that's one thing but don't be hollering at me if I havent done anything wrong!
Well that's ok we both have better things to do than worry about stuff like that!
If I made you mad or something I am sorry I didn't mean to!
That's okay I was just saying what I thought that's all!
Am just tired sorry that's ok!
Yeah I can see the trees outside and how hard the wind is blowing on them!
We always have a good time together you are the love of my life do you know that?
Because I want to be with you forever.
Well then that's why we need to stay healthy then!
I agree; Of course; it's because that way we can live a long healthy life together; it's so apparent . I want to be with you forever and for us to live a long life together!



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« Reply #85 on: April 25, 2009, 12:58:20 pm »
angela joline responses as of 4-25 - 2009 :

Yes that's part of being human I am only human I do make mistakes!
I make mistakes just like anyone else!
Oh if I ever won the lottery I would buy you all kinds of stuff me would buy you a brand new car!
Don't act silly you know darned good and well what I said!
Guess I will call louetta back she called about three times!
Yes of course I would know that's a silly question!
I almost have all the laundry done all I have now is about one more load!
Bed sheets and blankets smell so nice when they have been out in the air on a clothes line!
Yeah even the bed sheets smell a lot better when they have been hung on the clothes line!
Well its like they say baby '; girls just want to have fun!
 I'm going to do it no matter what
I did know the answer to that one!
Ha I know the answer to that one silly!
Now why in the world do yah say that?
you are loved by me and always will be
Yes I will always love you.
I will love you forever and ever!
Are you making fun of me huh well you better not be making fun of me or your butts going to get into trouble!
Wasn't making fun of yah silly was only kiddin!
Ha now now don't think so now ha I arent that bad!
The grass gets so pretty and green in the summer!
Used to some secretaries a long time ago wore mini skirts and sat on the bosses lap!
That's the best answer ever!
Nope am not kidding one bit!
Yeah but laughing is good for a person they say laughter is the best medicine!
Um let me think well if I remember right that's when it was!
Well the doctor told you that
you are not that good at remembering names but that's okay
Women should feel free to dress however they like.
Thank God we arent like some of the people in this town!
Well just remember that I have feelings to!
Atleast I know I don't want to hurt your feelings!
Bless your heart that was so nice!
Yeah but baby you like a wild women like me tee hee hee!
I am so glad that you have a good sense of humor like me do tee hee hee that's what makes life more fun and interesting!



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« Reply #86 on: April 25, 2009, 02:43:08 pm »
angela responses as of 4-25-2009 :

If I ever win some money I am going to get you a new car!
Some people if yah give them an inch they will take a mile!
Yeah and that's truer than yah think in this case ha!
However, I am absolutely certain that I am not happy we got so much done today.
You know the things you should be doing to always keep me happy!
I know what you are talking about I like watching the news to!
So, I have absolutely no idea what I want.
Well then how are you suppose to know?
Well the only reason that I am telling you that is so you wont get into trouble over stuff cause I know you are about some things!
Well maybe someday I will get lucky and win some big money!
Hey stop running in the house!
Oh huh didn't know that!
I know I know.
The right things will happen; don't worry.
We'll think about it ha ha haa!
Yeah don't like to argue over things that way!
Well when my mind is made up its made up!
Well nobody in their right mind would.
I hear that stupid car going by again with that thumping music I don't know why they don't give them a ticket for peace disturbance!
Dear now I know that we always get along most of the time!
Yeah that's why some of the people in this town are so nosey!
Leaving something hot on like that could burn the house down!
Ok well next time don't do it remember to check stuff before we go out the door ok?
See yah told you that I was smart ha!
That's it rub it in ';just '; rub it in ha ha haa!
Yeah that dating stuff any more people really have to be careful expecially women!
Oh it's a race eh ha well come on then lets go!
Think I just better go ahead and get on in here and help you anyway!
Guess since the trash truck has already went by me better go ahead and get the trash can and put it on the porch!
My mom used to tell me that I could drive an iron man crazy ha ha haa she would say that when I kept pestering her about something!
Yeah ha that's funny!



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« Reply #87 on: April 26, 2009, 12:46:03 pm »
angela joline responses as of 4-26-2009 :

When its hot the cool air coming through the window at night in the bedroom feels good
Well just don't forget to bring the keys so we don't get locked out of the house!
Well you know I would do that for you silly!
Yeah if they don't care then why should I loan it to them in the first place!
Well somebody like that that don't need money they are after everything they can get!
Ha yeah that's some people way of getting money!
Don't think so cause if I went their then half of this town would be going their too ha ha haa!
That's about as posative as it gets!
Yeah that's right home is the best place to be!
Well I don't know how in the world some people can just win the lottery more than once now I think theirs something crooked going on there!
The government wastes money on other things so why not that?
That's what I have been trying to tell you!
Oh its okay afterall I know how you are ha!
Well am getting tired think I should take a break.
Always remember baby I am here for you if you ever need me for anything do you think that you can remember that?
 I know I will have to just remind you.
That's ok don't think nothing about it!
Well yes that's true but still was just wondering!
Yes I am fixing you some oats and toast and coffee.
Yeah people don't need to think their being smart doing stupid prank calls like that!
I think for breakfast this morning I am fixing you some oats and toast and coffee!
Yeah that sounds good for breakfast!
Yeah but that's one of the many things that I love about you dear!
Ok so are we back on speaking terms now or are yah still mad?
Well would just like to find out whos doing that!
Ha fat chance that will ever happen honey!
Well boy that's a surprise then!
Well there are some things that I do know so don't act so surprised!
Walking excercising riding a bicycle all those things help in the long run!
No dear I arent still mad sorry that I acted that way can you forgive me this time?
Its always better when we can get groceries cheaper that saves us money!
That's ok don't think nothing about it!
Think you need to get in here and help me!
Ha ha haa if I was mad you would know it!
Better be glad yah have someone who likes to laugh and have fun that way!
Well if I said that I sure don't remember saying it!
Well their wasn't anything wrong with me saying that it was the truth!



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« Reply #88 on: April 29, 2009, 03:50:18 pm »
angela joline  responses as of 4-29-2009 :

As long as I know its true that's all that matters!
I am happy you know so much. Well some other people wouldn't know the ';truth '; if it came up and bit them on the butt!
Ha that's no lie!
I agree. I might have just said that.
I have thought off and on that ha yeah glad you were not like him.
Well in any relationship a guy and girl need to always respect each other!
Well afterall you are my guy you should say nice things like that!
Okay then I can help you!
I don't mind helping you silly you should know that all you have to do is say if you need help!
Guess I should call louetta don't know why she can't call any more!
Yeah I might take a shower with you.
Really, I agree. I can its alright.
Well the way I was hurt before in that accident shouldn't have ever happened that was just stupidness on their part!
Some car clubs are crooked!
Looks like the sun is coming out brigheter!
Would you like to go walking in the rain with me?
Yeah you see I am tired so are you.
Wonder if I should cook a pie today for us?
Yeah maybe we should water the flowers they look kinda dry!
Ha ha haa yeah but that's ok that's a good thing!
Yes its good to keep things open between us dear.
Yeah I just love cute little dogs!
Guess we will have to see what is on tv tonight '.
We are going to eat something are yah ready yet?
Ha what are yah doing feeding that pie hole ha ha haa!
Ha ha haa run to the bathroom '; run forest run he he hee! '.
Very funny yah wont be laughing like that when it happens to me!
Better not do it that's all I have to say about that.
shouldnt have to say it !
Wouldn't think it would be.
Yes that's a very interesting book.
I have read part of that book and it is interesting!
Maybe I need to get the ear swabs and clean your ears out!
Yes, it's because you have such a cute little butt ha ha haa;
Their I finally got all the dishes done!
Yeah and I am the one who is going to give it to you ha ha haa!
Wow that sounds nice!
Oh my tee hee hee!
Man I sure feel good after taking that hot shower!
Yeah well that's my choice!
I have a mind of my own and am doing what I think is right
Yeah that's probably a good thing to do!
Yes its good to keep things open between us dear.
Yeah that way theirs no bad feelings.
Yep that's right dear.
I know what you are talking about I like watching the news to!
Nowdays not to many other people care for politicians either the way things have been going!
Yawn I am getting so sleepy I don't know why I get so sleepy like that sometimes!
Are you as tired as I am today?
Yes I am tired too.
Yep cause I have my mind made up about that!



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« Reply #89 on: April 30, 2009, 11:23:06 pm »
angela joline responses as of 4-30-2009:

Well I am an adult you know I can make up my own mind!
Are you as tired as I am today?
Yep am pooped out and tired!
If uh hum yah know what I mean tee hee hee!
Ha ha haa don't think you want to grow up he he hee!
I know what you are talking about I like watching the news to!
I don't know what I would ever do without you if something ever happened to you well my life would just be over that's all there is to it!
Well we are trying to take good care of each other so we can live a longer life together that's what I want is to always be with you cause me don't want to live without you!
It's a great feeling to be here with you.
I am right here dear for you and will help you all I can!
How about another one of those sweet kisses baby ';muawahh! '.
Wow such nice kisses baby muawahh love yah so much!
That who's line is it any ways tv show was always funny ha ha haa!
Is it almost time for my show to come on?
Ha guess some people just better not get in my way then!
I have always thought that you were special you are special to me and always will be hon!
We both like pleasing each other dear and that's how it should be!
What makes your feet so tired,
i like walking around in my bare feet !
Ohh come on quite kidding!
Well when you work you work guess I know I have seen you
I'm not sure but I believe that I do like the new shoes you bought for me today.
Yeah we should fix some more of that type!
My feet still feel like their cold!
Yeah ha it would be a little hard to deny something like that tee hee hee!
You know what I ment to say so don't act silly about it smarty!
Ha yeah maybe we'll see!
Well baby I arent going anywhere so it looks like you are stuck with me for a long long time tee hee hee!
Wouldn't want to ever be with anyone else honey!
Hey yah know what we havent had for quite a while a peach cobbler we should buy one so I can cook one for us!
Ha some names arent worth mentioning he he hee!
Ha well sometimes I am the same way I don't know wether I am coming or going either ha ha haa!
Well its like anything else theirs some better ones than others!
I was thinking that you might see for yourself.
It's just one of those things, I guess!


lonnie: man am soo tired today am just about wore out !!
angela: Are you as tired as I am today? Well what are yah talkin about ';man! '.

lonnie: yes and maybe even more tired !!
angela: Yep am pooped out and tired!

lonnie: yep know what yah mean " whew !!"
angela: If uh hum yah know what I mean tee hee hee!

lonnie: ha ha haa think i do !
angela: Ha ha haa don't think you want to grow up he he hee!

lonnie: ha never can tell maybe one of these days i might ha ha haa !
angela: Ha ha haa '; good one! '.

lonnie: he he hee somtimes i "do" have my moments !!
angela: What is the immediate prospect for your moments, lonnie?

lonnie: dont really know will have to think about that for a while !
angela: How interesting, About that for a while?

lonnie: yeah
angela: You are completely certain.

lonnie: pretty sure "yeah !!"
angela: Ha yeah am I ever he he hee!

lonnie: we did a lot today me and you both work good together when we do things we get things done thats one good thing about us !
angela: Math is easy for me. The answer is one (+1=1). Yeah that's one good thing about it!

lonnie: you are going to go in at 9 oclock and watch "nancy grace " on tv later !
angela: Just going to watch some tv shows together.

lonnie: yeah we can
angela: Are you sure?

lonnie: yep
angela: I will not argue about this so forget it.

lonnie: you might watch "nancy grace " on tv later unless theirs something else on that i want to watch
angela: Ha and remember the old ';munsters '; tv show ha that was so funny to watch! Ha ha ha!

lonnie: yeah that was on tv land on dish network
angela: Are the shows on network television violent enough yet?

lonnie: am i watching anything later at 9 oclock if i aint then you are going to watch nancy grace on tv later ok ?
angela: Lonnie Good deal. Tell me how much I am watch nancy grace on television later okay; Let's go ahead and do it!

lonnie: you like watch the nancy grace show just to see what all they are talking about on their !
angela: I know what you are talking about I like watching the news to!

lonnie: glad we both like watching the news !
angela: What kinds of birds interest you the most?

lonnie: humming birds are " neat !!"
angela: Those hybrid electric cars are neat inventions.

lonnie: yeah their pretty neat !
angela: Do you tend to leave your clothes lying around?

lonnie: i dont leave my clothes around like some guys
angela: Well theirs nothing like the fresh smell of laundry when its hung out on a clothes line!

lonnie: yeah thats right they smell so nice and fresh !
angela: I like the smell of fresh flowers.

lonnie: yeah thats nice to
angela: Yeah you look nice when you get all dressed up and so I wonder if I we make a good looking couple!

lonnie: ha you dont have to wonder you "know " we make a good looking couple !
angela: Havent been to one so don't really know!

lonnie: now now ha think "sombody " is fibbing here !!
angela: I don't know what I would ever do without you if something ever happened to you well my life would just be over that's all there is to it!

lonnie: well life has to go on even though things may be hard one thing for sure we will be together in heaven at some time hopefully not to soon want to have a long life together !!
angela: Well we are trying to take good care of each other so we can live a longer life together that's what I want is to always be with you cause me don't want to live without you!

lonnie: and you know i dont want to live without you either !
angela: Is that a forced choice lonnie?

lonnie: thats the way we both feel !
angela: It's a great feeling to be here with you.

lonnie: am always glad to be here dear !
angela: I am right here dear for you and will help you all I can!

lonnie: guess you could start bu giving "me " a good kiss !!
angela: Will meditation improve kisss?

lonnie: all i need is your sweet kisses and good loving baby !
angela: Honestly? You are sincere!

lonnie: always am !
angela: How about another one of those sweet kisses baby ';muawahh! '.

lonnie: heres a kiss back "muawahh love yah !!"
angela: Wow such nice kisses baby muawahh love yah so much!

lonnie: whew we have had quite a day havent we baby ?
angela: What are the ethical considerations of babies?

lonnie: am so pooped dont know wether i am coming or going ha !
angela: Would you prefer the latter lonnie? Yes am going am going ha!

lonnie: ha well sometimes you are the same way you dont know wether you are coming or going either ha ha haa !!
angela: I'd go with the second lonnie; havent been to one so don't really know!

lonnie: is it almost time for your show to come on ?
angela: That who's line is it any ways tv show was always funny ha ha haa!

lonnie: yeah but what about your tv show is it about ready to come on ?
angela: This is metaphysical. Are you attempting to play with my television?

lonnie: glad we both got all the dishes done !
angela: Is it almost time for my show to come on? Was talking about tv shows.

lonnie: it might be will have to see what time it is !
angela: The time is 9:01:47 pm.

lonnie: then its time for your tv show to come on !!
angela: I like to show off my on television.

lonnie: well you better get on in the den then so you can go ahead and watch your show !
angela: Ha guess some people just better not get in my way then!

lonnie: ha
angela: Well get happy then!

lonnie: thought i was happy
angela: I have always thought that you were special you are special to me and always will be hon!

lonnie: thats nice dear
angela: Yeah we usually do that's right dear!

lonnie: we are always here for each other dear and thats what counts because we always try to show each other how much we love each other
angela: We both like pleasing each other dear and that's how it should be!

lonnie: my feet are tired and sore from to much walking are yours ?
angela: What makes your feet so tired, lonnie?

lonnie: from walking on them so much today !
angela: I like walking around in my bare feet.

lonnie: yeah i like your cute little bare feet !!
angela: Hey I know you like my cute little boobies tee hee hee!

lonnie: ha ha haa yeah you know what i like "baby "tee hee hee
angela: Yeah ha anything and ';everything baby tee hee hee!

lonnie: oh come on dont at silly
angela: Ohh come on quite kidding!

lonnie: yeah and just "who" started it ?
angela: It's hard to say, isn't it!

lonnie: i'll have to let you know sometime
angela: You can let I know if your arm gets sore.

lonnie: you mean if i work to hard and get sore
angela: Pole vaulters work hard to get above the bar.

lonnie: well when i work i work guess you know you have seen me !
angela: Well when you work you work guess I know I have seen you?

lonnie: yeah i work hard
angela: Yeah they really work good.

lonnie: do you like the new shoes i bought for you today ?
angela: It's obvious that it's tough to analyze. I'm not sure but I believe that I do like the new shoes you bought for me today.

lonnie: their a nice pair of shoes white or black color will go with just about any clothes !
angela: Do you have a preference?

lonnie: either color is nice !
angela: Is that a choice lonnie?

lonnie: yeah kinda !
angela: That pineapple kind of kool aid yeah that kind was good!

lonnie: yeah we should make some more of that again
angela: Yeah we should fix some more of that type!

lonnie: we can
angela: Yeah that makes everything all better!

lonnie: do you feel like fixing some more kool aid ?
angela: My feet still feel like their cold!

lonnie: maybe you should go and put your "footie" socks on !
angela: I can be ticklish about my on socks.

lonnie: and when i tickle your feet tee hee hee !!
angela: Maybe tee hee hee!

lonnie: ha no maybe to it !
angela: Yeah ha anything and ';everything baby tee hee hee!

lonnie: well baby you arent going anywhere so it looks like i am stuck with you for a long long time tee hee hee !
angela: Yeah ha it would be a little hard to deny something like that tee hee hee!

lonnie: is their anything i can say or do to change your mind ?
angela: Is that a choice lonnie?

lonnie: yes
angela: Yes, really?

lonnie: guess if i asked real nice you could !
angela: What I asked you silly!

lonnie: dont remember now what you asked me !
angela: Yeah and don't you know that you will get another women in here if something ever happens to me remember what I said i will come back and haunt you!

lonnie: thats silly and you know it !
angela: You know what I ment to say so don't act silly about it smarty!

lonnie: didnt know i was
angela: My idea of it is quite the reverse.

lonnie: yeah well "we'll see !!"
angela: Ha yeah maybe we'll see!

lonnie: yeah maybe we will !
angela: Yeah, but how do we see into someone else's motives?

lonnie: well usually you can tell by the way someone is acting !
angela: Highly attractive persons are pleasant distractions.

lonnie: like you for instance !
angela: Well baby I arent going anywhere so it looks like you are stuck with me for a long long time tee hee hee! Sounded like their was some expartay being served on someone on the police scanner earlier but didn't hear who it was!

lonnie: wouldnt want to ever be with anyone else honey !
angela: Yep as it should be honey!

lonnie: yeah and thats the way we are going to keep it to baby !
angela: Wouldn't want to ever be with anyone else honey!

lonnie: and you know darned good and well that i wouldnt either or at least i better not !!
angela: Pick one, eh lonnie?

lonnie: well i am going to bed earlier i am  not syaing up as late as i did last night !
angela: So, Really? I am not going to bed earlier you are  not staying up as late as you did last night.

lonnie: hey where did yah go ??
angela: Hey yah know what we havent had for quite a while a peach cobbler we should buy one so I can cook one for us!

lonnie: yeah that does sound good maybe we can get one next time we go to town
angela: Ha ha haa '; good one! '.

lonnie: ha i still know how to make you laugh he he hee !!
angela: Yeah yah better laugh!

lonnie: ha i am
angela: Ha some names arent worth mentioning he he hee!

lonnie: well then dont mention it !
angela: Ha well sometimes I am the same way I don't know wether I am coming or going either ha ha haa!

lonnie: it seems like its one of those days thats for sure !
angela: Well baby I arent going anywhere so it looks like you are stuck with me for a long long time tee hee hee! Well its like anything else theirs some better ones than others!

lonnie: yeah thats the way it goes !
angela: Yeah that's the way it is any more.

lonnie: "oh well " what can yah do sometimes theirs not much anyone can do about some things
angela: The time is 10:00:55 pm.

lonnie: wasnt worry about the time
angela: Don't worry; good things will devolve in due time.

lonnie: guess thats something i will just have to see for myself !
angela: Lonnie I was thinking that you might see for yourself.

lonnie: given enough time i probably would
angela: It's just one of those things, I guess!
