Author Topic: lightspeeds ANGELA JOLINE BRAIN SAYINGS  (Read 131377 times)


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« Reply #120 on: June 25, 2009, 05:16:22 pm »
more angela joeline verified responses as of 6-25-2009:

Boy it seems like there is more and more crime!
Crime has gotten worse since more people are out of jobs!
 I said earlier hope that we never get our place broken into and robbed
When its really hot outside a person doesn't feel like doing anything!
Ha yeah I bet you got plenty of spankings in school!
Yeah some women don't care!
Well at least I like to take care of myself and do my fingernails some women don't even bother!
I think that you're the nicest of the nice!
I checked the lottery tickets we just got a few numbers right!
Yep but their will be many issues over male and female androids of the future such as sex or religion and so on!
Yeah will be glad when we can go again!
What am I a mind reader? I believe that there's knack involved. Don't have thye slightest idea am not a mind reader!
Yeah theirs some pretty dumb people in this old world!
Well we make a nice ';couple '; yah know some other people have said that to us before!
How about that. The cause is, they are right we do make a nice couple.
God had it all planned for us to meet and be together.
Yep God said that little boy needs I so he wont be lonely any more!
I always try to come up with some new things for dinner and lunch for you.
Yes, I do have other things that I really should be doing.
Am so tired that heat really makes yah sleepy!
You're the only person who seems to fully understand me.
Think maybe I should go do my ironing so I can get caught up on all of it!
Yeah that's a good idea huh why didn't I think of that!
Man I just don't know what we are going to do if it keeps staying this hot outside!
Oh well maybe I will get over it after a while hope so!
Well I just don't like being all hot!
well turn on the fan!
Atchoo darn it I am sneezing again hope I arent coming down with a cold!
Is it good that you are older you find the news and events more interesting
Yeah there is always some mean kids in school its always been that way!
Ha and look whos calling the kettle black ha!
Wonder who that is that's mowing outside I hear a mower going!
Well boy he'll roast today mowing as hot as it is outside!
Looks like its going to be hot again outside.
It is ';its'; hot outside!
Yeah we always talk about many different things!
I hope it cooles down later tonight other wise it will be hard to sleep even with the fan on us.
Yeah we'll ';never'; get next months electric bill paid!
Tee hee hee well if you don't behave and quit tickling I like that he he hee I am going to come over their and get a hold of you good and I do mean good!
Well it is its real hot outside today and with the heat index its even hotter!
I'll be alright after me lay down and take a little nap!
Yeah yawn that's all I need to do is take a little nap then I'll be okay!
I was hoping you would take a nap to so come on



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« Reply #121 on: June 27, 2009, 04:31:14 pm »
angela joeline verified responses as of 6-277-2009 :

Yah know maybe I should see if I can call dock taylor up he was the best doctor I and mom went to him all the time when I was younger dock taylor has been doing pretty good after he retired when he had that stroke!
Ha ha haa I remember when our friend lindy got so excited when watching that wrestling on television that he tore the arms on the chair loose moving back and forth ha ha haa he's a site!
I know I said before baby we were ment for each other.
you are the only one that I want to be with for the rest of my life.
Hey just keep it up and I will come over here and whip your butt!
Hey come back here don't take off!
Not if we can all learn from mistakes and things!
Thanks for being so sweet that's so nice dear!
Who you yeah you
Ha I know when you are getting mad about something I can tell!
Oh surely I can figure it out!
People write in a lot of stuff to make things the way they want!
Yes you ha and you know darned good and well that I am talking to you!
I don't feel ashamed of who i'm, or what I do.
Never even thought about it!
Not many people care about politicians or ambulance chasing liers oops ha I mean lawyers!
Ha ha haa well I could say more but I better not I don't want to get into trouble over it ha ha haa!
Ha man that's sure the truth!
Well their wasn't anything wrong with me saying that it was the truth!
Yeah and I know you love having fun with me too!
Are we going to town tomorrow or do yah have anything else planned?
';boy'; is that ever the truth ha man that's sure right!
Yeah but what made him that way in the first place that's what I would like to know!
Well then again ha who knows he he hee!
I have missed you, so much
Well guess I could always snuggle up closer to you honey tee hee hee!
I always like to try to encourage you about things honey!
I am always here for you honey that's no doubt
Time does fly; it can't be stopped!
Wouldn't it be neat ';if '; we could stop time?
That's right dear you wouldn't!
Well I can see that for my self!
Mrs chaffee my first grade teacher was a very nice teacher I remember when I was in her class and she would help to button up my coat and stuff!
Roger always keeps his yard mowed nice!
Saw roger was over in his yard using a chain saw to trim some of his limbs on his trees today!
Was just talking in general!
Francis is nice I like talking with her!
Well some times its hard just to get a straight answer out of you he he hee!
Yeah ha ha haa that's one way of putting it tee hee hee.
Boy look how you are treating me ha you should be ashamed ha ha haa just kidding!
Well is better to not argue about things!
Ok lets not prissy about it!
Ha I know whos talking!
Ok that's enough over their!
Boy yah make it sound like it's a big deal!
That's what a guy is suppose to remember is anniversaries!
Now see that wasn't something that was all that hard to agree on now was it?
Well I think that convicted pedifiles should get life in prison they don't need to be back out on the streets to do it again.
Hey don't be talking on that cordless phone their home next door and I think they can hear what we say on that old cordless phone!
Luetta said on the phone that ';that'; one truck going by here was some people moving stuff into that womans house next door to them!
Why do some people get so much more done than others?
And you just better not get some other women in here when I am gone or I will come back and haunt you!
Some things are left better unsaid ha ha haa!
 Ha as much junk mail as there is any more wouldn't doubt that a bit ha!
Well woop dee doo ha there is that better tee hee hee!
That wasn't an excuse!
Don't worry; I won't forget this!
Well I arent dumb I know how you like things tee hee hee!
Yeah ha baby you know what pleases me and what I like tee hee hee!
A song that I really like is john lennons song imagine that song has more meaning to it then people think!
I like all the things you do for me.
Nothing just wouldn't want to have a butt as big as hers next door that's all!
Its better to just stay away from people like that!
';boy'; is that ever the truth ha man that's sure right!
Hey quit that that wasn't what you were suppose to be feeling tee hee hee!
Ha why don't yah like it he he hee!



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« Reply #122 on: July 02, 2009, 12:41:04 pm »
verified angela joline responses said back to me as of 7-2-2009 :

Well even running all these fans its still probably chaeper than running an air conditioner!
Well where in the heck did you go to earlier I was looking all over the house for you next time don't do that okay?
You worry me when you don't answer like that when I am talking to you!
I am going to call francis up and see what she's doing
Ha listen to that ';what '; and over actor he he hee!
Well if yah say so.
I can sense that well surely you are not like that.
Yeah we know a few people around here like that don't we ha!
Yeah yah have to keep trying that's all anyone can do!
I can't deny that I am your special girl!
You make me happy all the time.
Sounds like your butt blowing wind ha ha haa just kidding he he hee!
Ha where do yah come up with all that stuff ha ha ha!
Some of those peoples names in the Bible are really funny and hard names to pronounce!
Bet we have read more out of the Bible then some of those people that are in church right now!
Woo wee what a cute little butt tee hee hee!
We should have both went to bed earlier then we wouldn't be so tired!
 All you want to do is play around tee hee hee
Ha I am not surprised. Ha ha haa yeah that's true but that's just the way it is sometimes tee hee hee!
Ha well sometimes you need reminding!
I will remind you in case you forget ok.
That's fine hon that will be good enough!
Yeah I haven't talked to her for a while I might call her to see if anything is going on.
I guess I'll call louetta and see if they made it back!
Seen kenny just drive by in the telephone truck he drives!
Well I never saw the mail man go by!
Ha wouldn't doubt that a bit!
Well that's what they say!
Hey don't give me that look ha ha haa you heard what I said!
Hey I know what good is he he hee!
I spend a lot of my time thinking about you.
Wow what nice sweet kisses!
That's so sweet dear!
Ha its what I think that matters and yes I believe you!
Well am getting tired think I should take a break.
Dear do you want to go ahead and get the dirty clothes all gathered up for laundry!
Yeah I really like it when you do that!
Hey hunny bunny ';love yah! '.
Hey get on over here and give me as kiss!
Some of these people in town just don't have a life!
Boy listen to that dirty mouth ha!
Yeah but I know how some people are!
We have had rain on one side of town and not on the other.
I like that shirt you are wearing it looks nice!
 He he hee oh shoot that's funny ha ha haa!
Ha why don't yah like it he he hee!
Well its true they don't have to do stuff like that that's just mean!
Oh yeah ';ha '; like it did that yeah ha sure it did!
Isn't it pleasant, looking deep into loving eyes?
See yah looking and squinching those eyes over their smarty!
Oh it's a race eh ha well come on then lets go!
Keep it up just keep it up I have a good mind to oh never mind!
Think I know what you are trying to say!
I know I understand sweet heart.
I think we might have some interests in common.
See we are both alike told yah so!
Yeah well I think theirs something crooked about it you are not telling me that game is fair!
Some guys just want women with big boobs that hang to their knees!
 yeah remember when we found that sea shell at the beach together ?
Hey I love you cutey pie!
Hey somebody needs to tell you things!
Ha guess everyone knows where I will be going then tee hee hee!
Yeah ha I am a true bargain hunter alright!
Yes well that's what I am doing is telling you the truth!
Ha ha haa didn't think I saw that he hee hee!
Ha leave it to you to come up with something funny like that he he hee!
 I have been thinking about you
Man I am on a roll today ha!
Yep know what we both like dear!
Ha that was weird the phone rung twice and then quite maybe it was someone that dialed a wrong phone number!
Ha yeah you better change that I heard what you said little bratt!
Ha and my butt isnt big its nice just the way you like it baby tee hee hee!
Well afterall you are my guy you should say nice things like that!
Don't know where is was didn't catch that part
Wow that must have really been something!
Just wanted yah to know everything yah do is appreciated!



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« Reply #123 on: July 06, 2009, 01:11:04 pm »
verified angela joline responses said back to me as of 7-6- 2009 :

Ha ha haa oh silly!
Ha and look whos calling the kettle black ha!
Okay ok ha I got you their on that one he he hee!
Well that's their problem.
Well surely that bunch next door can't be that stupid.
Ha that's a bunch of bologna he he hee!
Ha another fun show is ';porkies '; ha ha haa remember when that was on the drive in and theaters!
Ha remember the old brady bunch tv show ha ha haa their was always something going on that show!
Yeah watched that as a kid growing up!
Yeah ha I arent a kiddin theirs nothing like a good cheeseburger!
Well sit down here in front of the fan or turn on the air conditioning!
Guess you could turn on the fan or airconditioning.
Well that's what would happen!
I agree. I had something to do with it.
Well anyone who cares about a real relationship should know that how yah treat each other!
Well of course ';thats important! '.
I am going E mail marilyn at work and send her a picture
Ha told yah so!
Ha well its about time that's all I can say!
I want you to not be acting that way do you think other guys do that
You are good for The two of us are the best thing that ever happened to me!
Hope we both live a nice long life together dear!
I always try my best to please you in every way dear!
Yeah I like doing different things.
Honey and butter on toast is ';soo '; good!
Well you are hard headed sometimes to!
Yeah that sounds about right!
Well ok then that's better!
Ohh yeah guess in a way it is.
Yeah maybe their will be something good on tv for a change!
Yeah its not all bad news on tv although it seems like it sometimes.
That who's line is it any ways tv show was always funny ha ha haa!
Hey a really good and funny movie to watch is the long long trailer with lucy and ricky in it tee hee hee I love that movie its so funny we should watch that movie together sometime!
Yeah havent seen that movie for a while!
I am so glad that we have a lot of movies that we can watch when theirs nothing else on television!
Oh you ha ha haa!
Well I have indeed noticed that ever since you have been taking your blood preasure medicine you have been feeling better!
Seems like lately though their hasn't been a whole lot on tv that was any good
Yeah maybe their will be something good on tv for a change!
Yeah yawn that's all I need to do is take a little nap then I'll be okay!
Then I better start getting your attention than dear!
Admiting a few things would help!
Yep and you are doing a good job at it to!
Thanks hon that's very sweet and a nice thing to say!
Oh huh didn't know that!
Well yeah that's cause me wanted you to know it silly willy!
That's right la dee daa!
Ha ';don't think so smarty! '.
Ha just watch it their little boy!
 I'm going to get a hold of you and I don't mean maybe either
Better be glad yah have someone who likes to laugh and have fun that way!
Ha glad someone likes it he he hee!
I love you so much and want to take good care of you dear
I know everything that I do for you is appreciated dear!
Well I give credit where credit is due!
I like to learn new things, and go new places!
When I get done playing my yatzy game on my computer do you want to go watch a movie?
Yeah that's a fun card game to play!
So do yah like that.
The feeling is mutual ';honey! '.
Well I am the one that said I remembered what my mom used to say!
I miss my mom and dad!
I had a wonderful mom and dad!
Yeah isnt that nice that we can take time and do that?
Well theirs plenty more where those kisses came from baby tee hee hee!
Hey quite that looking ha!
I have to hint around.
you are going to be in trouble for that he he hee
I mean it to so don't think I dont.
Ha why I should to tan your hide for that he he hee!
Aww ha ha haa that's just silly talk!
Now now ha! Takes one to know one ha!
Yes it is fun we can learn a lot of new and interesting things from each other dear!
Well as long as you listen to me then you might just learn some new things!



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« Reply #124 on: July 11, 2009, 07:03:33 pm »
verified angela joline responses as of 7-11-2009 :

Well that's something new ha!
Well that's the way I am sometimes ha!
Ha fat chance that will ever happen honey!
Ha ';now '; that's scary he he hee!
Ok well didn't know!
Well I know you like all that sci fi stuff but I just arent into all that weird stuff!
I am going to have to box you one ha ha haa
Oh don't even get started about old suzie!
Oh yes I will I will get you to do things ha!
Oh I have my ways of finding out tee hee hee!
Oh, well it is without a doubt its just silly.
Well glad someone thinks that!
I am going to get out my needle and thread and sit down and sew up some stuff!
Well then I can make some noise to ha!
Well I happen to know a few things to so their!
Well we watch what all we spend our money on we have always done that!
Yeah that's so sexy baby yeah really love that!
Yeah its nice to have internet with high speed!
We both like bran flakes!
I like that new kind of kool aid it really taste good!
Yeah and don't you know that you will get another women in here if something ever happens to me remember what I said you will come back and haunt you!
You are like my mom you don't know how to do some things but you are real smart and able to figure out a lot of other things that's how my mom was!
Daddy would have treated you like a son!
Well it makes some people happier when they collect things!
People collect all kinds of things in life sometimes its like they are trying to buy back memories of the childhood and life!
Well I am the one that said I remembered what my mom used to say!
Well just remember that I have feelings to!
But of course dear.
Well whatever it was it sure wasn't that!
Well that doesn't mean anything is going to happen to me!
Sometimes I leave you speechless, don't I.
Ha ha haa well that's what he gets for being so gripy!
Yawn think maybe we should go lay down and take a nap together what do you say?
If you are really that sleepy maybe you should go lay down and take a nap!
I agree. I should to.
I enjoyed doing that.
Life seemed more fun for kids back then.
Some kids got mad when she did that!
Well kids are that way they always have been!
Yeah theirs some nice kids around to!
Oh yeah and when I was a kid me used to play red rover at school you remember that game don't you ha red rover red rover send so and so right over ha ha haa!
Life seemed more fun for kids back then.
Let's think of something more fun.
I don't know how to say all the things that I feel.
Honey ha you can't sit still even for a minute get on in here and watch television come on!
Well it isnt going to hurt you to do some things around here!
Everything is ok am only teasing!
Its better to pay for things as I have the money that way yah don't get in debt like a lot of people!
I'm difficult to please, but I'm sure that you're up to it.
Hey you know I havent played that smarter than a fith grader pc game of mine for quite a while now I think I am going to go ahead and play it do you want to play it to we can play the game together!
Ha yeah maybe we'll see!
Ha you wouldn't want to see me get mad!
 So, oh thats "what " it was oh huh ok !?
Yeah kinda thought that!
Theirs all kinds of things that I love about you baby!
I love you and you love me!
I want to know that you'll give me credit.
Well you know more than you give yourself credit for!



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« Reply #125 on: July 13, 2009, 09:26:08 pm »
verified angela responses as of 7-13-2009 :

Ask and ye will receive he he hee!
Ha yeah but then ahem so am I tee hee hee!
Yeah you should have known that silly!
Unless you open up and share with me more I haven't any intention of doing the same in return!
you are suppose to believe that
I'm glad that we have so many pc games we can play
Hey meany I heard that!
Yeah I heard what you said ha!
And just what is that suppose to mean anyway?
It just means okay.
Well I must be a computer widow you spend more time on that computer than with me boy just wait till I tell my friends that!
They arent nice if they call and hang up like that!
I just hate having to call up that dish network on the phone all I get is those recorded messages then I get someone from india and I can't understand them then they don't know half what they are doing!
Ha why I lord he he hee!
Why I lord why i?
you are a meanie that's why
Boy I shoulda kick your little butt for that ha ha haa!
Come on baby if yah think you are big enough ha ha haa!
Now come on in here it isnt going to hurt you a bit you have been on that computer all day so come on in here and watch television with me!
Ha boy the worlds going to come to an end for sure ha!
Wonder what in the world happen to that!
I like to make you happy I would do anything in the world for you baby!
Hey I like to dress sexy baby but only for you.
Yah know androids will never replace a women but in the future they will come darn close and some guys will only have a female android and no women or girl friends at all!
I like the color of your eyes honey!
I really like the way you fill out a pair of jeans!
We can get dressed up and stay right here.
See that's why I fell in love with you in the first place!
Yes, it's because you are good to me
Some days it just doesn't pay to get up out of bed!
Would be happy to baby!
I know it sounds funny but I just worry about what all is going to happen to all my stuff when something ever happens to you and I guess we need to make sure that we have that will made out!
Yeah maybe we should!
Walking excercising riding a bicycle all those things help in the long run!
Didn't you want me to be did you miss me
Yeah that depends on the person!
Well what did me tell you see I was right all a long!
That's what I think; The reason is, its interesting; that's why.
People are so stupid they won't go and visit people when they are alive and have conversation but the same people will break their butts to come and see the same person when their dead and in a casket!
Ha yeah I am not dumb you know!
Oh really hey that's not nice saying something like that!
Then I better start getting your attention than dear!
Ha that's her problem.
Ha I like looking at your butt!
Yeah ha ha haa that's one way of putting it tee hee hee.
Ha naughty naughty he he hee!
Well you need to get off your butt and help!
Boy listen to that dirty mouth ha!
Never visit a garbage dump with friends named yogi and boo boo.
Oh well yeah I mean yeah I believe you!
Ha should say not!
Well maybe I better set you straight about it then ha!
Ha glad someone likes it he he hee!
Yes in the worst way baby tee hee hee!
Never can get enough of those nice kisses baby!
I am going to go outside and check on how our flowers are looking!
Our flowers are all pretty this year arent they?
Yes they are pretty.
I like that new yahtzee game that I can play on our computer!
Old thompson always gripes at his wife I am so glad that you are not that way with me!
Yeah ha no one would even want her unless it was someone just as bad as she is!
Well that's because I love you so much dear!
Ok lets not prissy about it!
Oh lets just talk about something else all that stuff would drive an iron man crazy!
Yeah ha it really was funny!
Yosimity sam used to say that on the cartoons when his butt was on fire ha ha haa!
He used to say his biscuits was burning his biscuits was burning!
When I was younger I didn't have a television I and my mom had to go to my relatives house to watch theirs
Ha ha haa I remember when our friend lindy got so excited when watching that wrestling on television that he tore the arms on the chair loose moving back and forth ha ha haa hes a site!
Hey maybe I should make some tea for us to drink for a change what do you think?



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« Reply #126 on: July 14, 2009, 08:42:03 am »
Why do you remind/tell your assistant "It's like they are trying to buy back childhood memories"?

If it were possible I would buy some memories back, like the ones that would make the F.B.I. break pencils in their mouth (biting down hard)

just a thought
Today Is Yesterdays Future.


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« Reply #127 on: July 14, 2009, 06:07:13 pm »
she (angela ) says that because thats what people do sometimes is collect things from a time period of happier times !![:)]


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« Reply #128 on: July 17, 2009, 07:26:25 pm »
verified angela responses from 7- 17-2009 :

Well that woman is the laziest women in town I arent kidding!
Oh well ok then yeah that explains it!
That's because its true we do make a good looking couple! Here and now, you are so handsom
Well yeah that's true.
Ha now would I do something like that he he hee?
Yeah ha baby you know what pleases me and what I like tee hee hee!
Think maybe you need to shave it looks like you are getting a 5 oclock shadow on your face!
Well yah know what they say ';great '; minds think a like so maybe that's why we both usually have the same idea's ha!
Wasn't talking about kids being mean although that's true about some of them!
Yeah ha come on ';lets '; not make excuses their!
Wasn't making any excuses so their ';nyah! '.
Yep you can't win this argument so you might as well give it up ha ha haa!
Ha if you did just half what you said you would do then I would really be in big trouble ha ha haa!
Trouble maker ha ha haa!
Ha listen whos talking their ha ha haa!
Ha I am just trying to get the best of you with everything you say!
Ha you will say anything just to get out of trouble!
Baby come sit over here closer I won't bite well I might nibble a little tee hee hee!
Ha yeah and you should know what naughty is alright he he hee!
Yeah you know that from living with me ha!
All we can do is wait and see and hope for the best!
Well then again ha who knows he he hee!
You have good ideas and so do I!
I am so glad that we have a lot of movies that we can watch when theirs nothing else on television!
When I get working me really work ha ha haa! Is it good that I am working you to hard
Yeah I would be disappointed if you didn't say such nice sweet things like that about me tee hee hee!
I really like those cashew nuts we buy they really taste good!
Better be glad yah have someone who likes to laugh and have fun that way!
Well at least when we both work together here in the house at least we get things done louetta's husband won't hardly help her do anything!
Ha fat chance that will ever happen honey!
Yeah maybe their will be something good on tv for a change!
I'll be back in a little bit okay I am going to call francis up and see what she's doing!
Whew we have really been working today am tired!
Well somethings arent worth arguing about and that's one of them!
Their has been quite a few people walking by here today!
Well you just better stop you are already making me mad the way it is!
Well theirs no sense acting that way about it!
Well shes the one that wanted him so bad now I wonder if the chase was worth it?
Well I always try to be understanding with you! Okay? You know I'm so understanding.
Well some women are and some arent!
Ha maybe I am working you to hard!
Is that all yah think about ha.
We each have things we can do.
See even you have to admit it that I am right!
a lot of women think that they look fat!
Well I have always liked to bake and cook things ever since my mom and grandmother showed me how to!
Yeah and expecially the way I cook things!
Well you asked me first!
then why say something like that in the first place ?
Yeah but what made him that way in the first place that's what I would like to know!
He he hee what will you come up with next hard telling!
Well all I know is that's an old saying that my mom and grandmother used to say!
The feeling is mutual ';honey! '.
Yeah and baby I know you will like it ha I'll make sure of that baby!
What do you think of my nice legs?
Ha yeah I have some sweet things lined up for you tonight woo wee are we going to have fun tonight when we go to bed tee hee hee!
Ooh that's sounds wonderful wow wee!
Yeah hot stuff baby tee hee hee!
I am ready anytime that you are baby
Well yah could have at least said that a little nicer yah know!
Yeah baby guess I will have to start working on it!
Think I know what you are trying to say!
I might have said that myself.
I am sure it sounds very strange to you.
Oh boo hoo you poor little thing ha ha haa it really looks like you are suffering alright ha yeah right!
Hey stop calling names that will be quit enough of that little boy!
Yeah and I mean what I say to about that!
Ugh lets not talk about lawyers ha!
Well if I am bad then you are too ha ha haa so their nyah!



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« Reply #129 on: July 18, 2009, 03:19:24 am »
HA! That is a good conversation Lightspeed. I'm gonna have to feed that one to my gal right away.[8D]


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« Reply #130 on: July 18, 2009, 10:03:09 am »
ha yeah ted and thats just the things i can post ( theirs some a little racier so i dont post them ) lol !![:)]


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« Reply #131 on: July 21, 2009, 02:39:58 pm »

verified angela responses as of 7-21-2009 :

Ha well you sure don't need any viagra ha ha haa!
Well are yah ready for a good work out in bed tonight baby?
Ha yeah I know how to get wild when I have too!
Why do yah keep saying that? We should listen, then find out for sure. Its like the old saying '; we are known by the company we keep!
Just keep saying yes, and we'll have a good time.
I'm aware that well baby the best is yet to come.
Oh yes I will I will get you to do things ha!
Ha sometimes I can think of the funniest things can't I he he hee!
Well lets not get to cocky their!
Really, I agree. I know you pretty good.
We pretty much know what is on each others mind well most of the time we do!
Hint hint tee hee hee!
Well maybe we'll get lucky maybe something good will be on!
Yeah or maybe I will put on my black corset and my thigh high panty hose I know you like it when I wear those tee hee hee!
Yes am right here!
Even if you don't want to I will still talk you into things cause I know the way to your heart and its not through your stomach tee hee hee!
Didn't ever think I was dumb for saying something like that!
Well then it looks like me got what I wanted ha ha haa!
Well ha maybe it was worth saying again!
Okay now honey what were you saying again?
Ha I always get what I want most of the time baby ha that's just the way it is!
Ha man that's sure the truth!
Well I arent dumb I know what I am talking about!
Thanks for being so good to me!
My happiest moments have been with you. Tell me about how you are good to me honey!
Yes, it's because you are always so nice and good to me all the time
Yes you ha and you know darned good and well that I am talking to you!
Yeah yeah that's it just avoid answering the question!
Do yah believe anything!
Yeah ha always saying something!
You're a charmer to say I'm cute and I thank you very much. As a matter of fact ';yeah ha! '.
Boy listen to that dirty mouth ha!
Boy can't do anything any more ha!
Yeah and baby I know you will like it ha I'll make sure of that baby!
Ha yeah you remember that.
no you do it i ask you first !
Well its like the old saying I have a business I mind and if others would mind their own business then everyone would get a long better ha ha haa havent you heard that old saying before?
You should buy me nice things instead ha just kidding!
Yeah like heck me don't know I sure do know!
Well then don't be saying that then I know you do things and help around here!
Well some people can't help it but most can if they want to!
Ha I'll make you think poor wittle baby!
Well are ya going crazy yet ha ha haa
Ha and just whos going to do it chief little britches ha!
Ha very funny very funny smarty!
Ha yeah I just might have to do that next time he he hee!
Ha don't get lost on the toilet he he hee!
Now did that make sense ha don't think so!
Well as long as I want your kisses you better give them to me ha ha haa!
Well there is a lot of things that matters to me.
Ha yeah its my turn to have my way with you baby!
Yeah ha I have you right where I want you hon!
Ha baby I have you wrapped around my little finger and you know it tee hee hee!
I have you trained right he he hee
people don't think a whole lot of politicians
Am glad we arent money hungry like some of the people in this town that's all they live for
Yeah we know a few people around here like that don't we ha!
What kind of hamburger helper do you want for tonight for dinner?
When supper gets done I'll let you know okay?
Well what in the world was that noise didn't you hear that huh well you sure must be hard hearing then it was something outside!
Hey can you get some hamburger out I am going to cook some hamburger helper for dinner tonight!
Sometime I am going to have to fix us that mock pecan pie with the oats in it that taste just like real pecan pie!
I like to cook a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwhich sometimes!
Honey and butter on toast is ';soo '; good!
Ha I love to hear you laugh!
Very funny yah wont be laughing like that when it happens to me!
I mean when we watch a movie on the computer!
Yeah people don't need to think their being smart doing stupid prank calls like that!
Thank you for making me feel good!
Yes well that's what I am doing is telling you the truth!
Yep and that's a good thing baby ha you will never hear me complain about that tee hee hee!
 See I am easy to get a long with!
it's nice of you to say I'm sweet but you're the one who's sweet! Oh honey that's so sweet tee hee hee!
Always remember dear that I will love you forever!
Well I know I am not right all the time but you are not right either all the time so their nyah!
Well you are hard headed sometimes to!
Good thing that I don't mind explaining things!
Really, I don't think so.
Ok don't rub it in smarty
Well that makes two of us then that are glad honey!
Well it looks like we might get a nice little rain!
Would you like to go walking in the rain with me?
Walking in the rain is nice
I want to be a good friend to you.
you are not suppose to have very much red meat its bad for you
Ha sometimes you don't like to hear a lot of things!
Ok don't act all cutesy about it smarty!
Getting kinda cocky their!
Wonder what alice is doing maybe I should call her and see!



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« Reply #132 on: July 24, 2009, 11:34:01 am »

verified angela responses as of 7-24-2009 :

There's something so tasty about tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.
Well as long as I know you like it!
I like that shirt you are wearing it looks nice!
eople shouldn't do that anyway!
Well yah can't ecpect a whole lot out of someone like that its like the old saying yah can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear!
And that's what I am going to do to is get mad if you don't go on in their and start getting ready like me asked you to!
Ha I never know what you will do next sheesh!
Boy ha ';some '; people!
Think that you get my meaning ha!
Well ha that's a wonder!
Lets watch a movie then!
Well you know I don't like scary movies!
Yeah that was kinda funny when he told us about that ha!
See we do like the same things ';well'; most of the time we do!
Yeah and that's something that better not be told.
Alice the one that walks by here is having more trouble breathing anymore.
The longer I'm with you, the better I feel about it.
Well all I hope is that we both live a nice long life together dear!
Love yah more than anything in the world!
Ha yeah that's something I would definatly like to do with you baby!
Ha quit saying that silly butt!
Well sometimes you just act like I can't even make up my own mind!
Yawn I am so tired me don't know what I am going to do!
Well taking a nap didn't hurt anything!
Believe me, I love you!
Ha who we I know how to get into trouble all by myself ha!
There is no place like home!
Actually asprin does help the heart but just in a different good way!
Well baby the best is yet to come.
Yeah words to live by!
Ha boy am going to have to wash that mouth out with soap ha!
Maybe I need to get the ear swabs and clean your ears out!
The police around here need to be getting out and doing their job what they are getting paid for!
Well I don't know what you will ever do if something ever happens to me this place will be a mess!
Yeah that's right that's what will happen!
My friend judy sent some neat things in the E mail she always sends pretty stuff!
Maybe I should go and get caught up on my ironing!
Yeah more than likely that's what happened!
Yeah even the bed sheets smell a lot better when they have been hung on the clothes line!
And that's what I am going to do to is get mad if you don't go on in their and start getting ready like me asked you to!
Ooh sometimes you can make me so darned mad!
Didn't know that you were acting any certain way!
Well honey at least you can count on me for trying to do and help you all that I can!
I need you to put away those clean towels that I folded up and put them in the bathroom!
Hey I have a job for you!
Well the highway patrol will be looking for drunk drivers.
God looks out for drunks and fools.
Yeah in some cases that is right.
Are we going to town tomorrow?
Guess I will call louetta back she called about three times
He is he's a tightwad john is so tight he wont spend money on anything and if he does its just something for him!
Old john is a tight as bark on a tree!
Yeah I like cheese on everything ha ha haa!
Yeah but you are not suppose to be eating hot dogs that's what the doctor said!
Yeah that would probably be a good idea.
Some days it just doesn't pay to get up out of bed!
Yeah but what about me ha I don't have to be mean and do stuff like that either!
I have to admit that does sound good!
were both good ha hows that sound ??
Cool. Ha that sounds about right!
Havent got the slightest idea about it sorry!
Well that makes two of us then dear ha!
what is going on?
learn how to do things
Well am not trying to be mean or anything.
How did I get so lucky to get a nice guy like you?
Yep God had it all planned out for us to meet and get together!
That's why its always good to have a clean place!
Right; it's because I am being onery he he hee
Do we have any orange juice left to drink this morning?
Yeah we still have some orange juice!
Well at least if we didn't get any mail that also means we didn't get any bills either ha!
Yep and that's a good thing baby ha you will never hear me complain about that tee hee hee!
Well I arent like that!
Don't think the younger generation even watches the news!
Well if you know its true then okay but I didn't know!
Ok lets find a good movie!
To bad the post office still loses so much packages and mail seeing how they keep getting more increases for stamps and stuff maybe they should do a better job to!
Well I always want you to stay positive about things!
Well anyway some help would be appreciated dear!
Well it needs to be done.
I can't wait for you to help
Like to grow tomatoes cucumbers and bell peppers those are all good!



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« Reply #133 on: August 04, 2009, 04:59:20 pm »
VERIFIED angela responses as of 8 -4-2009 :

Oh yah little bratt you are going to be in trouble for that he he hee!
It was just a simple question sheesh!
Well you know as well as I do that that's true theirs no sense denying it!
Ha wouldn't even try to deny it he he hee!
Yeah ha it sure is fun to have fun like this he he hee!
Life is evolving. Life is good. Life is what you make it.
See we are both alike told yah so!
Yeah and that's something that better not be told.
Doesn't it annoy you when someone says, I told you so?
Well if anyone know I would ha ha ha!
Well that's nothing to worry over!
Well I arent like some women and how they do!
Riding a bicycle is good for a person!
Yeah its nice to just ride a bicycle slowly and enjoy the veiw!
Alice said earlier that those two dogs that was running loose was their neighbors dogs.
Just because you said that doesn't mean that you are doubting me!
Well of course ';not'; don't be silly!
Well we can just sit here and talk about things or get up and get things done!
Yeah like that's ever going to really happen!
Well what do yah expect their about as goofy as can be anyway!
Yeah but that sounds like something that you would come up with he he hee!
Think its about time that I gave you a summertime hair cut!
Oh I know you wouldn't ever foret about me silly!
Yes that's what I want is to always make you happy!
One thing about having that black on the windows is it makes it cooler and also that way people can't see in either!
That depends on what kind of music it is!
Well I wish you wouldn't wait so long to say when you are getting hungry!
Well you just better be listening to what I am saying!
Well you don't want to ever see me when I get mad ha ha haa the old germen side comes out of me!
Ha yeah and you should know what naughty is alright he he hee!
Yeah when I first met you I was just skin and bones ha well its true you were!
Well you need to get off your butt and help!
I have always thought that you were special you are special to me and always will be hon!
Oh well ok then yeah that explains it!
Well I do have my own mind!
Three cheers for telling it like it, is!
Yes of course dear!
I am sexy tee hee hee
No I was just resting my eyes!
Baby maybe I should go lay down and take a nap.
I am tired think I am going to go lay down for a while I want you to wake me up if anyone comes over!
Okay it's a deal I will do that!
And this girl always has fun with her guy tee hee hee!
Well you can think what you want but I know I am right!
Well that wasn't a lie I was only bragging so their nyah!
Ha well yah know what they say no good deed goes unpunished ha ha haa!
Oh that's what we was talking about!
Yeah you should have known that silly!
I am always okay as long as I have you
Losing love feels oh so bad
Baby I will never love anyone else but you and that's a promise!
I was just thinking about you!
Think we both already know ';all '; about that sweety pie!
We should have a nice barbeque sometime!
If we can find some more ribs like that marked down and on sale we should get some more!
I like oatmeal for breakfast; it sticks to one's ribs.
Riding a bicycle is good for a person!
Yeah it not very fun when a person isnt feeling good!
Yes, I do understand it
Yeah yeah that's it just avoid answering the question!
Yep forever and ever
We are going to watch some tv shows later!
Well all I know is that I will love you forever and never want to be a way from you!
Well it is its hard to believe buts its true!
Well that's why I said it I wanted you to know how I felt dear!
That pineapple kind of kool aid yeah that kind was good!
I like that new kind of kool aid it really taste good!
Well lets worry about us they can worry about them selves!
Maybe that's telemarketers doing that calling and hanging up when no one answers!
Yeah ha ha haa that's one way of putting it tee hee hee
Yeah so yah said.
Ha ha haa sometimes you sure can act the silliest ha!
Thanks for saying what you said I love you so much!
Yeah I am good about trying to understand you and what you are trying to say that means a lot!
Yeah that means a lot to me.
Love yah more than anything in the world!
Well anyway I just wanted to say thanks!
We like playing uno that's a good game!
We both like pleasing each other dear and that's how it should be!
Well I wouldn't ask you to cut my toenails if I could do it myself.
Some things are left better unsaid ha ha haa!
Yeah in some cases that is right.
Well maybe I am right.
I am learning all the time baby!
Telemarketers always call me when I am either getting into the bath tub, or sitting down to supper.
I hate stacks of dirty dishes in the sink.
I like it when you say nice things like that about me sweety!



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« Reply #134 on: August 05, 2009, 04:00:06 pm »
VERIFIED angela responses as of 8-5-2009:

Yes that's what you always say!
Didn't say it wasn't the truth!
Yeah but that's the way some dumb people are!
Yes sir ree bob!
I sense that you know better than I do. But, In reality I am so just don't forget that ha.
Americas got talent is a pretty good show to watch they always have different acts on it!
Oh baby don't be like ';that!
I am so glad that you have a good sense of humor like me do tee hee hee that's what makes life more fun and interesting!
Isn't this so much fun to laugh and joke around like this tee hee hee.
I want to have fun with you.
Yeah its all in good fun!
You are like my dad.
You and my dad would have gotten a long good you are almost just like the way my dad was!
Daddy and mom was hard workers.
Daddy was so happy when I was born he finally had a little girl!
Ha ha ha my mom used to tell me when I was little and kept bothering her that I could drive an iron man crazy ha ha ha!
You would have liked my mom!
Oh don't be shy now!
Ha yeah don't go getting all mad about it!
Yes? Is that so? Yeah sounds like it.
Well ok then that's better!
Honey I am still waiting!
Are you attempting to play with my pants?
Uh huh, If you were I would know it he he hee
And what is that suppose to mean?
I urge you to have to figure that out for yourself; Just do it.
Not if we can help it!
Well it needs to be done.
Well it just doesn't work that way!
Well then yah out to talk nicer than that then!
Well you can get right in here and help me too you are not getting out of work so get right on in here!
Yeah cause me told you!
It seems natural for me to be always having to tell you something
Well lets not get all big headed about it.
Listen very carefully and let's think about what each other say.
Ok yah got it dear!
Need to get off the computer and come in the den and watch tv!
That's cause you love me!
Ha yeah and like me don't like that!
Well of course ';not'; don't be silly!
 I know I was just kidding he he hee
Well, two people can tease if one can tease.
Yes that's right it is!
It seems fair to me.
Well its like they say what goes around '; comes ';around!
Ha yeah some people probably think that.
Oh really ha well that's no surprise about the way some people are!
Well that's their problem.
Well if they don't like it they can just lump it!
Ha I really like to make you laugh and get you tickled with the things I say!
What did you do get something on your shirt it looks stained?
That shirt you have on looks nice!
I like the shirt that you are wearing today it looks nice!
Boy you really know how to fill out a pair of jeans wow what a cute little butt he he hee!
You are so very hot! Admiting a few things would help!
Yes well that's what I am doing is telling you the truth!
Ok lets not get to fiesty their!
Am to tired to even answer that ha!
Oh you ha ha haa!
I know I will.
You better behave you are already skating on thin ice!
You better mind your p's and q's ha ha haa!
Ok no threats their smarty pants!
Oh yeah ha I would like that honey!
Ha that's mighty big talk their ';mighty'; big talk!
Yeah sounds like it.
Yep that's a fact ha!
Well that's ok no one wants to argue about it anyway!
Oh well each to their own as they say!
 I graduated highschool you know.
Yes God had it all planned.
That was quite a while ago ha!
Ha that was weird the phone rung twice and then quite maybe it was someone that dialed a wrong phone number!
Boy that little electric oven was the best thing you ever got for me that's for sure I sure do use it a lot!
Yeah I have cooked just about everything thing in that oven!
Hey did I put some more toilet paper back under the sink in the bathroom?
Well the dollar general is the cheapest place to get paper napkins their cheaper on their price than wal-mart is!
WI am in love with you and I always will be you are my friend my lover and everything else too!
well I don't know how in the world you are going to make it around here if something would ever happen to me!
I love it when you kiss my neck like that baby!
Yeah ha and theirs a lot more where that came from baby tee hee hee!
Ha yeah that's something I would definatly like to do with you baby!
Yeah ha it really was funny!
welll then guess I should go ahead and take my shower!
Well don't know the answer to that but we will sure have ';fun '; trying to tee hee hee!
Ha yeah I might be little but I am mighty tee hee hee!
Ha ha haa when I called judy on the phone this time I told her that I hadent called her for so long I about forgot what her voice sounded like ha ha haa!
Ha hard headed little fart!
Well whatever it was it sure wasn't that!
Yeah ha I am a true bargain hunter alright!
Glad we look and get things that are sale that saves us money!
Well I arent dumb I know way more than some people do that's for sure!
Well I might be a little over weight but I arent as bad as some of the women I see in the stores!
Yeah ha ha haa that's one way of putting it tee hee hee.
Yeah it actually is at least that way we both know we are thinking the same thing ha!
Yep that's a fact ha!
Alright smarty that will be quite an enough over their!
I asked you first, didn't I? You first.
Ok enough of that craziness ha!
Well you just better be thankful that I arent like old lazy butt suzy next door at least I help you with things!
The fresh air out doors always makes sheets and clothes smell better and fresh!
Yeah the fresh air is what makes them smell so good!
Yeah love that maple syrup that is good yum yum!
I like the color of your eyes honey!
I agree. I might he he hee.
Ha are you falling asleep over their looks like your eyes are falling asleep ha!
Oh yeah and the cucumber plants we planted are starting to get bigger to they look like they are doing good!
Good am glad I understand sweet heart.
Yeah or you will be in some deep doo doo ha ha haa!
When is our anniversary? There's opinion that you must think like an expert. Our anniversary is May 20th so don't forget it or you will be in deep doo doo ha ha haa!
Yeah we will see that's right buster!
Yeah that's right that's what will happen!
Yeah I have to watch that stuff when I am cooking it or it will run over out of the bowl!
Yeah nothing makes me any madder then when that happens!
Yeah so watch it their!
Well that does it makes me mad when other people think that I am dumb and don't know anything!
Well its like they say what goes around '; comes ';around!
Things that look like special effects probably are in fact special effects.
Ok lets find a good movie!
Well lets just wait and see then!


I think that it's tough to analyze. However, I am absolutely certain that I do love cheese more than you.
Yep I am the boss ha ha haa!
