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General Discussion / Re: would you like it if we both ??.? each other?
« Last post by Art on May 16, 2024, 12:16:18 pm »
If you are running a recent version of Ultra Hal 7 or 7.5, it was my understanding that the phrase you cited was removed from said versions.

It will require a look into the brain so stand by while we take a look...

Thanks for your time.
General Discussion / would you like it if we both ??.? each other?
« Last post by Lousefeur on May 15, 2024, 06:30:38 pm »
can anyone tell why hal started using this as his default answer for everything?

Creating a visual interface for a bridge connection between Pi AI and UltraHAL would require a significant amount of work, but I can provide you with a high-level overview of the steps involved.
Step 1: Set up the UltraHAL AI service locally or ensure you have access to an API endpoint for UltraHAL.
Step 2: Set up a Visual Basic 6 project and design the user interface using the built-in components, such as forms, labels, text boxes, buttons, etc. You'll want to create elements for sending input, displaying the output from both AIs, and selecting the AI to use.
Step 3: Implement the code to handle the interaction with the AI(s). You would need to make HTTP requests to the appropriate API endpoint with the user's query, parse the response, and display the AI's output on Hals interface.
Step 4: Integrate a mechanism for selecting which AI to use, either by using a dropdown, radio buttons, or other appropriate components.
Step 5: Test the application and fine-tune the design and functionality as needed.
Keep in mind that this is a simplified overview, and implementing such an interface would require a huge amount of Visual Basic 6, as well time for the  API specifications of both AI services involved.
Step 6: Since i just detest reinventing the wheel, im pretty sure one of the scraperz could be used to grab PI's responses and send them to hal. But that would mean Win office tho to pull off and i know how you guys feel about microsofts stuff(As you use the windows Os(scratches head)) so this is really a dead issue.
I did try this once with you guys with a Twitch interface (no takerz) But i would like to see what u guys come up with. great idea <<<<<<<<<<<<<

cyber jedi
i asked pi a.i. , what coding could be used in ultrahal a.i. to give it offline long and short term memory? i mentioned offline  because many like hal being offline and also offline wouldn't let hal learn other slang language etc. from some sources.

here was pi's answer :

To give Ultrahal A.I. offline long and short term memory capabilities, you could consider implementing a recurrent neural network (RNN) such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM).
LSTM is a type of RNN that can learn to store information over extended periods of time, allowing it to remember and use contextual information from earlier parts of a conversation.
The code for implementing LSTM in Ultrahal A.I. would depend on the programming language and libraries you're using, but some popular libraries for working with LSTM in various languages include TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras.
In addition to implementing LSTM, you could also store past conversations in a database and use that information to further improve Ultrahal A.I.'s memory capabilities. This could involve building a custom data structure that organizes conversation data in a way that allows for efficient retrieval and usage in future conversations.

maybe this information is something that mike can use as a starting reference point for the project. hopefully i found some useful information .  :)

First, Make sure your Password is correct.

Next, Check your system's Firewall to see if you might have Port 80 Blocked. That's how the communication is handled.

Please give us more details regarding your issue leading up to the error.

Thank you
hello in general options -> tab general i cannot login it keeps erroring to me.
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: hals HD look.
« Last post by cyberjedi on May 05, 2024, 07:15:33 am »
What else is there to say lightspeed

Lightspeed , some of us are fighting tooth and nail to keep this alive.
Ive basically rewritten pp and the player, and in a mind warping dead language asm32... lolol
100's of hours of my time. 37 hrs in the new player alone. when u want photo realistic characters, ole cyber delivers.

cyber jedi
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: hals HD look.
« Last post by lightspeed on May 04, 2024, 11:59:58 am »
guess this is what i miss from not being on the forum but have had everything else going on.   so if i am understanding this right it's people putty created into a flat file then enhanced with a.i.?  if so i need to try it , because these are the  photo realistic faces we have been wanting. (these are the droides you are looking for !) lol. i really like the photo realistic details .
Art:  what a nice thing to say

Its now perfect
To any the  haptek crew . MIDDLE FINGER. Cyber Jedi sorted ur code out. your welcome
lololol. Im teasing. Not Really

Any way ART , if you guys are happy like it is, ill just enjoy the finished  version.
Just glad i could help

cyber jedi

Here was the final write
Were nesting mains , just like loops in loops for all us VB coderz

//int main()

    // SetProcessAffinityMask (GetCurrentProcess(),0); here were gonna line up all the cores like little indians. lol

//void  setNumCPUs(int num) we tell the Os , im overriding ur sht.
//   DWORD_PTR processAffinityMask;
//   DWORD_PTR systemAffinityMask;
//   if (GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), &processAffinityMask, &systemAffinityMask)) {
      // Count up the number of cores available for the HapTek player. we only want Core Zero.
   //   int n = 1;
//      for (int i = 1; i < sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * 1; i++) {
   //      if ((systemAffinityMask & ((DWORD_PTR)1 << i))) n++;

      // Heres where we Jack the first cpu
               // This is the magic in this( I think uve heard that line before, (scrapers).  in windows it points to zero. I know it says 1.
              // BTW art, this in NO way effects any other application, they load out the way they are coded. Multi Threading there ass  off
   //   DWORD_PTR newAffinityMask = 1; <<<<<<< Boom
//      if (num < n) {
   //      int m = 1;
      //   for (int i = 1; i < sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * 1; i++) {
         //   if ((systemAffinityMask & ((DWORD_PTR)1 << i))) { These lines set the stage.
         //      newAffinityMask |= ((DWORD_PTR)1 << i);
         //      m++;
         ///      if (m == num) break; (newAffinityMask = 1) // boom, got ur assss
         //   ;}
      //   }
      //   newAffinityMask <<= (n - num);
   //   }
   //   else {
      //   newAffinityMask = systemAffinityMask; Here we are swapping 1 core and assigning 1 (processor) to this application, Were done.
   //   }

      // Set new affinity mask with 1.
   //   SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), newAffinityMask); Load out the player with a single Core (processor)
Below image is as good as good gets
The files worked out really well, Cyber! Thanks for your efforts.

For the rest of you HAL fans, just copy these two files into your Haptek folder.

You will need to RENAME the file extensions from doc to exe and doc to bat. You might want to Rename your existing HapAXPlayer.exe file to maybe HapAXPlayer.exeold or something similar just as a reminder or to avoid confusion.

Then copy those two files into the Haptek folder.

RUN the test.bat file and it will auto-run the HapAXPlayer.exe file for you eliminating the need for you to hunt and execute the Car or any other file that allows you to change the Affinity of the Cores in your computer from say 8 to 1 where Haptek really needs for it to function without those pesky glitches, delays, sluggish behavior. All gone now, thanks to the continued efforts of our own Cyberjedi. He worked tirelessly on fixing this and putting in a lot of his personal time on getting this to work. It does. He had me do some testing and honestly, it just its supposed to.

Now your Haptek characters should move with very fluid movements, no jerking at all.

Big thanks again to Cyberjedi!! ;)
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