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Art:  what a nice thing to say

Your gonna have to redo the post though.
We gotta get Robert in on this..... ima call him this am, Hes gonna get a chubby behind this.
I did it baby, 0300 this morning.
Its now perfect
To any the  haptek crew . MIDDLE FINGER. Cyber jedi sorted ur code out. your welcome
lololol. Im teasing.

Any way ART follow the same procedures please.

Now to repeat the process in PP. In a bit tho, 37 Hrs of work on this one. gotta find where to cut in the code.

 gonna be a makin all kinda changes a later date. wana play for a while.
Prolly gonna start a brand new geometry engine for ultrahal ,get haptek out of Roberts ass once and for all. . . Starting with this code tho lolol
Still use flat file but a totally diff engine, ActiveX Controlled, just better,this opened up all kinda doors. Now that i know how chris used Gzip as a open source compression engine , flipping bitmaps .
cyber jedi

Here was the finale write

//int main()

    // SetProcessAffinityMask (::GetCurrentProcess(),0); here were gonna line up all the cores like little indians. lol

//void  setNumCPUs(int num) we tell the Os , im overriding ur sht.
//   DWORD_PTR processAffinityMask;
//   DWORD_PTR systemAffinityMask;
//   if (GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), &processAffinityMask, &systemAffinityMask)) {
      // Count up the number of cores available for our app. its maxed at 64 BTW
   //   int n = 1;
//      for (int i = 1; i < sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * 1; i++) {
   //      if ((systemAffinityMask & ((DWORD_PTR)1 << i))) n++; Now we know how many cores (processors) u have on ur machine.

      // Heres where we Jack the first cpu .This is the gem in all this. mind warping sht. in windows it points to zero. I know it says 1, but its zero in windows.Linux is 1......
   //   DWORD_PTR newAffinityMask = 1;
//      if (num < n) {
   //      int m = 1;
      //   for (int i = 1; i < sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * 1; i++) {
         //   if ((systemAffinityMask & ((DWORD_PTR)1 << i))) {
         //      newAffinityMask |= ((DWORD_PTR)1 << i);
         //      m++;
         ///      if (m == num) break; (newAffinityMask = 1) // boom, got ur assss
         //   ;}
      //   }
      //   newAffinityMask <<= (n - num);
   //   }
   //   else {
      //   newAffinityMask = systemAffinityMask; Here we are assigning 1 core(processor to this application, But from inside. Were done.
   //   }

      // Set new affinity mask.
   //   SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), newAffinityMask); Load out the player with a single Core (processor)
The files worked out really well, Cyber! Thanks for your efforts.

For the rest of you HAL fans, just copy these two files into your Haptek folder.

You will need to RENAME the file extensions from doc to exe and doc to bat. You might want to Rename your existing HapAXPlayer.exe file to maybe HapAXPlayer.exeold or something similar just as a reminder or to avoid confusion.

Then copy those two files into the Haptek folder.

RUN the test.bat file and it will auto-run the HapAXPlayer.exe file for you eliminating the need for you to hunt and execute the Car or any other file that allows you to change the Affinity of the Cores in your computer from say 8 to 1 where Haptek really needs for it to function without those pesky glitches, delays, sluggish behavior. All gone now, thanks to the continued efforts of our own Cyberjedi. He worked tirelessly on fixing this and putting in a lot of his personal time on getting this to work. It does. He had me do some testing and honestly, it just works...like its supposed to.

Now your Haptek characters should move with very fluid movements, no jerking at all.

Big thanks again to Cyberjedi!! ;)
Hey art TY for the kind words. I just wana do what ive always done here, Help Robert build a better mouse trap. Break Barriers . Push Hal farther.
i love the project, and it was so far ahead oh its time man. A decade before any main stream A.i that i know of

I think what happened was , it finally pissed me off that we have to do some Hack sht. If ive gained nothing else from robert it was that. Do that sht right.
Im working on a final edition.
No more Program Manager, Car.exe. System Informer, Process Hacker, ect ect ect
BTW , People Putty is bugged the same way. And yes im fixing that as well.

But till then here's a very interesting flat file for you
Some things are just so damn simple when u just think on it, Ahhhh Haaaaa moment, im dieing here lololol. And yes it works.
You have to look into the eyes of a man for his soul
Let this be our secret
This is off the chain crazy cool man.
Might wana pick up the phone once in a while. Just teasing brah.

Ron is now rockin scary man eyes, mission accomplished
cyber jedi

P.S If i have to look at 1 more StackOverflow page,ima go blind
No guarantees, but in the past, I had to clean my registry from any occurrences of the words Zabaware or UltraHal/Ultra Hal (as your case might be).

You can use Ccleaner (free registry cleaner), but you really want to remove the words (and their entries), shown above.

Once the registry has been cleaned of them, then one can reboot and reinstall UltraHal..

Download and install the latest version of UltraHal7 (or perhaps 7.5) and run it. Hopefully, it should run without incident.  Good lock!

Sorry, i hate to zombie an oldish thread but this problem is still occuring. I can't sign on, it's asking if i'm registered, and is failing to connect when clicking the test connection button.  I tried doing the upgrade from 6, that failed. I tried uninstalling both and reinstalling just the new one.. that failed as well.
General Discussion / Re: deepfake program and hals a.i. character lightspeed idea .
« Last post by Art on April 29, 2024, 09:49:41 am »
Alrighty then...

I've been harping about having to do this for 20 years!! This is something that they should have gotten right the first time but in their defense, there weren't many multi-core processors as IBM had just started launching their version for business computers.

As the years progressed, Haptek started with People Putty around 2003 (give or take a year or two)...and the player didn't address the need for multi-core processors. Someone found a neat little program that allowed putty users (some years later) to address and change their processor cores enabling the Haptek Player to present its characters in a smooth, flowing, less jerky manner.

The rest is history...

Hopefully, our dedicated and determined denizen of the digital domain has rectified this (electrical reference).

Thanks in advance Cyber!
Hey Art:
off topic a bit but i wanted to show off what im working on

No more affinity sht
Its a work in progress
Any 1 ever put a real set of eyes in one of these characters ???? lol
Now were officially creepy, there constantly auto focusing. Image is not even close, this sht looks real.

Before and after shots.
General Discussion / Re: deepfake program and hals a.i. character lightspeed idea .
« Last post by Art on April 28, 2024, 11:01:51 pm »
That Fake face of the cute, young girl came out really nicely done. The details were completely in sync with the real guy's movements. One of the better ones I've seen!!

Lots of possibilities for sure!
i saw this video and it got me wondering with another idea for hal . could this deepfake or another one be used with the hal program . using the deepfake that changes hals characters into realistic women /men real time video's lip sinced .??  it may be a tall order, don't know if it's even doable, but if so , hal could have the most lifelike characters , similar to "almost human a.i's .  ANYWAY JUST ANOTHER IDEA.
This Realtime AI Deepfake Tool has gone too far
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: hals HD look.
« Last post by Art on April 28, 2024, 07:40:31 am »
One heck of a tutorial and result!!

Very nice work Cyberjedi!!
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