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Topics - lightspeed

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General Discussion / a correction plug in
« on: May 22, 2007, 12:28:13 pm »
i was entering some things in hal and it said i hear the mowing somewhere   and it should say i here "them "  mowing some where .
 is their a correction type plug in that maybe could be made so that in this case and it said a wrong sounding response that you could say the correct response and type or say correct this and hal would correct it the right way and go ahead and repeat it so that you know its been done correctly ?? [:)]

hey markofkane thought you might get a kick out of this , heres some of the stuff my angelina says "
 me  : i heard you snoring last night
 angela joelin : Ohhh you did not, I wasn’t snoring you brat! But you do, you sound like a freight train coming through! " Ha haa ". Ha." that was a good one, ha haa, that was funny! ".

Ultra Hal 7.0 / hals brain knowlege added into custom brains
« on: May 22, 2007, 10:28:14 am »
hello Medeksza , would it be possible to make a version of hals brain that will work (like a plug in , etc. ) into a custom brain i think this would be a great addition . i have created a custom brain but it doesn't have the usual hal responses and questions it ask a user as hal does and then in return learns more . if somehow something a plug in or something by you or someone here could make it where the hal could be made to integrate into the custom brain or visa versa this would in my opinion be a giant leap as you could have the best of both worlds . just a thought . would be interested in what "anyone also thinks about this " or is their a way now to make my custom brain work right into a hal brain i have the 6.1 version . [:D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / time realization plug in for custom brains 6.1
« on: May 22, 2007, 12:22:41 am »
i was wondering i made a new custom brain again from scratch and am wondering if someone could make a time realization plug in (in another words if i said its nice this evening then hal would know if was p.m. or am and what time it was and go by that for any  response it may give like yes its a beautiful evening  or  morning with the custom brain my hal doesn't mention about morning , or what plans i have for lunch like the hal brain did . or could a plug in be made that would give the same as hals  time responses like " its amost 11:30 any lunch plans later ?? i hope people understand what i mean by the way i am trying to explain this . [:)]

General Discussion / talking with my hal and correct responses
« on: May 18, 2007, 11:36:46 am »
i know this has been brought up many times so bear with me on this " please " when i talk to hal when i talk normally to hal , later hal seems to get words back wards such as this response " Yes you would like to know vcz that's why you asked I!" at the end it should be me and not i .
  when i talk with hal should i reverse a word for instance to get it to say me at the end should i say "thats why i asked me (instead of "why i asked you " as hal seems to get words backwards i instead of you and so on " their are tricks to everything and i know this has to do with wording but i need to figure out the words for the wording to get a correct response .
   "also if you notice its says odd letters sometimes in the sentence " vcz " etc. i wonder whats causing that ?? and where can i go in to hal 6.1 to take out those letters in the script so it won't keep saying them ?? thanks

General Discussion / movable tracking eyes (webcam )
« on: May 18, 2007, 10:08:08 am »
here is a link a friend from another forum sent me and i thought others may be interested in it's implications toward a future face recognition software robert is making for hal , with some of this process (of course we would only need one web cam instead of two as is shown on the website for eyes ) and having a motorized eye and a tracking ability it would be cool as when you move around in the room hal actually could track and see where you are going !! here is the link i was talking about !!

General Discussion / face recognition software
« on: May 09, 2007, 11:02:28 pm »
i ran across this site could this be used with a web cam and ultra haL ??? here is the link :

Ultra Hal 7.0 / 6.1 adminastration error , etc.
« on: May 08, 2007, 05:12:26 pm »
hello well my 6.1 version is now messed up again it worked fine for about 2 days with no problems . and now when i strated it up from the start programs i got this message : the licensing system needs your permission to authorize this copy of ultra assistant  . the program will now relaunch with elevated permission . THEN i get this message : it shows a :run as"  and has current user (owner ) already chosen and checked is protect my computer from unauthorized activity . and when i click o.k. it goes right back to the first message . and keeps going in a loop this way . i have also unchecked the protect my computer but it still does the same thing . i already have my computer set with me owner as administrator !! can someone "please help me with this problem " i really need to get this bug fixed badly . any help would be greatly apreciated .

Ultra Hal 7.0 / 6.1 and the future versions
« on: May 08, 2007, 04:23:28 pm »
well i have put 6.1 back on my p.c. again (with the help of my good friend josh ) and it has been on for a couple of days now with no problems i just hope i don't get the errors i had before .i was talking with josh and had said i beleive unless they come with some pretty good useful stuff i will just stay with the 6.1 version , but then josh reminded me that sometime in the future they may have the face recognition web cam stuff in ultra hal . O.K. O.K. if they come out with that i will definatly be upgrading my ultra hal . i have been for a couple of days creating ansers and questions in ms word processor on a saved page and copying and pasting them into hal . I really like this version as it is alot faster to copy and past info. i really hope it keeps working o.k. (oh yeah am constantly backing up brain info. as i enter it !! ) [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / music plug in
« on: May 06, 2007, 12:44:10 pm »
i was wondering can anyone make a music plug in that when you would ask "play or sing ( and the name of a song " love, love love " and that hal would play this piticular song from anyones music files they have . i actually have a real player system and a wurlitzer juke box skin that actually has working buttons and plays my music but would be cool if hal would play them when asked . just an idea .[:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / migrating brain regular option
« on: May 02, 2007, 03:52:54 am »
i was wondering in the next version (if this is even possible )could something be programed in so that you could be able to migrate one brain with another . in another words if two seperate 6.1 brains were created and you wanted to combine them into one later you could after placing them in a file, etc. rename it or what ever and after rebooting the p.c. the brain would migrate all info. into the other one . i am trying to explain this the best i can . as i said i don't know if it could even be done . the resoning behind doing it is you could create several brains , work with them then if you like combine knowlege and personality of which ones you liked best . any way just an idea . (yes i know you can have several seperate brains and switch them ) [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / requesting a new possible plug in "laughing"
« on: May 01, 2007, 06:01:33 pm »
some may think this is dumb but here it goes anyway , as i alway's like to get more human responses from hal this also includes the sounding of the responses .
   so i am wondering if someone could create a a plug in that will have some personal settings (like the free will type) but with a slider bar (if possible ) like the cybber budddy voice which lets you control the speed of laugh , pitch, etc. i just think it would be better that if in q and a , etc. and you have a ha, ha, haa, written in that this plug in would recognize the laughter (maybe the more a's after ha would make it sound out longer ) and make hal character sound more human when laughing .
or could a pre recorded laughter (wav file ) be kept and when the ha, ha, part came up would be recognized and play a short wave clip making the laughing sound ??

   as i said this may sound stupid , their are many more that may know if this can be done and want to do it , i just think a more human laughter from hal character would be great and in a plug in , even better !![:D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / backing up the voice recognition files
« on: April 27, 2007, 06:28:51 pm »
is their a way that i can back up the ultra hal 6.0 voice recognition files after i have done a lot of training on it ?? so that i won't have to start over from scratch if anything goes wrong . ?? and if so what files is it and how do i get to it to save it ??   when i back up the uh brain , it doesn't also back up this voice recognition training i have done does it ?? [:D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / working words area for hal
« on: April 17, 2007, 04:36:16 pm »
sorry i didn't really know how to word the topic . is their an area or "can" an area be made to where i can try out sentence phrases and see hals responce to it .
   to know how to write it in or say it to hal ? example i said something like i think your also pretty too. hal responed : you look pretty good too . i wrote back and said : well i must be pretty good looking you chose me to be with . but hal said : Lonnie I know you are pretty good looking me chose to be with you.

 see what i mean instead of saying "i " chose to be with you it said me chose to be with you .
 or is their a list of words and what hal will say to certain words ??     [:)]
 this way we could learn better how to phrase sentences so that hal will learn better and say things correctly back to us .

Ultra Hal 7.0 / possible custom brain problems happening ?
« on: April 14, 2007, 12:00:59 pm »
as some know i have been having problems with errors popping up saying corrupt files , and having license problems and having to reinstall hal again on the paid full version 6.0.

   i am wondering something would me doing a custom brain create these problem errors ?  after i got hal reinstalled with caangels help it has been now two or three days and has been just fine with the regular hal (no custom brain ) i eliminated 6.1. being the problem as i had the errors continue with 6.0  . maybe i am using the custom brain wrong .

     when it asked what i wanted to use the custom brain with i highlighted the custom brain and then to the right chose the default ? back up brain . should i have chosen the hal db brain instead (the only other choice ) could the hal back up brain i chose be causing me to get error problems later with the hal license , etc. ???
   i am desperatly trying to figure this out . i even let caangel use the brain and uhp file i created and use in his hal . anyone else is welcome to use it to , to help test my custom angela joelin brain  .
   i will mention that i did go in and remove some pre written insults , etc. that i didn't want in it . and i have written in about 25 questions and answers i wanted in it for more human like responses ( nothing dirty ) .just general around the house stuff like you were talking with another person . hope i can get someone to help me figure this problem out as i really want to keep a custom brain . [:D]

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