The skin should usually be in the form of a .jpg file.
Simply locate the jpg skin file, drag & drop it onto the
Zabaware character in the window.
You can also use the following file:
Drag (highlite) and save the text with ###'s in NotePad or WordPad as:
HapLogCtrl.txt. Be sure to save it in your root directory
of drive C (C:\)
From then on, every time you open Hal or double an .htr file
the control window should pop up. You can use it to drop in
Haps, ogg (sound / music), jpg, etc.
## file begins here
# Haptek Logging Control File
# c:HapLogCtrl.txt
# This file must be in c: and named "HapLogCtrl.txt".
# Otherwise it is ignored.
debugger= y
# file ends here