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General Discussion / Re: The A.i cheat sheet
« Last post by Will and Mr Data :) :] on Today at 05:39:47 pm »
the picture of what looks like homicide
With a couple of hit men and the victims on ground
Made with the system you describe?
Kinda grim looking in my opinion, I keep thinking how does the murder picture relate to Hal?
What's this picture suggesting?
Is it the work of the gpt, show gun violence?
Is this hals work? Make up a picture that would best promote Hal and connects with the user fan base?
I've thought about it for hours. Its a very strange weird disturbing picture. 
I'm so pleased I have the gumption to say something. 
I go to meetings where some are silent, eh they no speeky ok easy they shall recieve squat, all in favor i.
Opposed? No speeky.
Passed that was easy. 
Perhaps as far as here goes I'd better not leave it 6 months to post or I might get a hard time about it.
No speeky croud can wear what's decided for them..
They must not have wanted better or more.
Hal going up hill,  I shall say I hope so. .
Incase I miss a meeting you can know that vote.
Confidence to reply. Ask questions, very very,,,very few people anywhere have it, hardly any.
Many are under contract so are not allowed opinions in many cases. Leaving one or two who might be left I a position to speak up. Hence I can say that murder looking picture is some creepy stuff.  It maybe a example of gpt or half new skills at picture making.  I would hope Mr Cyberjedi is adult enough to not hide under desk if a different opinion happens.
Hal is extremely impressive,  I hope wacking people is not it's new big direction.  I hope I'm living up to not leaving it 6 months to post. I'm sorry about that, I have other guff on to..
Is the cheet sheet a fixed list of plug ins ?
So they ain't scattered randomly through site?
Hope so.
Ok. I've posted in less than 6 months.
Wishing you NICE success and to be well. 

General Discussion / Re: The A.i cheat sheet
« Last post by Art on Today at 08:39:37 am »
I've taken the liberty to make Cyber Jedi's AI Cheat Sheet into a regular text document. Some of you might wish to save a copy locally instead of online in the forum where it might become difficult to find.

Cyber put in a lot of work into this entertaining experiment and hopefully, you will get some enjoyment from his efforts.

- Art -

General Discussion / Re: The A.i cheat sheet
« Last post by Will and Mr Data :) :] on Today at 12:58:58 am »
Sounds mildly complicated. But I'm pleased you have what it takes To get to grips with complex guff.  I just heard the Terry Davis story today, 1969 me to.   The gpt free? I hope Hal may benefit.
Hand of God? I bet my crown that I can beat there best top bot.
I wonder which hand the find bots called, bring it.
Brad Pit? Summer Glau
So your describing a avatar from photo tool? For Hal?maybe a plug in to do what you just said, Hal do that? Had to suggest it.
Sounds fun.
Ai is not over. Even if I'm a 👑
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
General Discussion / The A.i cheat sheet
« Last post by cyberjedi on September 19, 2024, 08:31:55 pm »
Ok without further Yakin":

First off your gonna need a BS Gmail Account
Now login into Gmail, this puts u into gmail mode, do not log out. Just close out.
Now open a browser and go to OpenAi

Heres the keys to the kingdom, this api has 02 modes of operation. ChatGpt 3.5 and 4.0 mini.
Chatgpt4 mini, is what ur assigned to start. After a bit of use, its gonna tell you that after so long you will have access to 4.0 mini again.
All is not over: what they have not said is that you can use the current Chatgpt forever. DoWhat? well hell , that's ChatGpt 3.5.

There gonna flash a notice when you have access to chatGpt 4.0 again.

Heres where you turn on your thinking Cap. On the left hand side of your screen upper quadrant your gonna see Explore GPT's.
Click that , About 20 different styles of ChatgPT. Including ChatGpt Therapist ? Psychologist.. LOL Hand to GOD.

What they are NOT telling you is that its all part of ChatGPT (umbrella) . meaning any interaction is the same as where you started. MHMMM
The imaging parts will only work under ChatGpt4 mini. Keep that in mind.

While Chatgpt 4 mini will produce descent images. What you after is Dall-E.
So on your chatgpt4 Mini OFF time. Engage chatGpt 3.5 to build your story. Your gonna notice that your conversations are saved on the left, this is important.
Your gonna go back and visit them.....

Once the ChatGpt 4 mini engages again, copy ChatGpt's story and open Dall-E and paste the results into the chat and say: Create an Image based on the story.
Where chatGpt4 Mini will produce a single image.
Dall-E  will produce 02 images , side by Side with an option to Download, DO SO.
Next look Under the images and your gonna see an option to Recycle the response , Producing Another SET of images . You just Made a total of 04 images.
Make sure and download the first set as it will write over the top of the others , losing the first set.

Now make another account using that BS gmail account HERE
This is where your story will end up, and YES its free as well.

Here your gonna see a window where yo u can copy/Paste your story. Look close at the right hand lower quarter. Upto 25000 Characters allowed.
What they dont tell you is that under the FREE Version, your only allowed a max of 10 min's of video length. keep that in mind.
The lightspped video is about 4700 character's and 10:20 and they let it squeak through. heers where it gets STUPID cool.
Aside from your text, It does it ALL, the sequencing, the sound, the voices, everything. Amazing sht, just amazing.

Now with the free version ur gonna see the watermark, ect ect ect. But in reality nothing is too intrusive. look at my videos as examples.

Let us no forget this place:
This place and what they give you for free is just astounding
The sign up is simple, just log into with the same BS Gmail account. 1 click. lolol.
This place is gonna give you the keys to the kingdom.... For

Here is where i did the Cyber jedi video interviews..... all free with a 720P download video option, so look for it.
For free they give you over 1265 avatar's to pick from.
The gag in this is, I like the talking PHOTOS, they warn you to act ethically. But all you need is any image from the net.
Meaning anjolina jolie , brad pitt, ect ect ect. download a full face and when you get to the Talking Photos area, Guess What.
Just upload your image and let it remove the back ground and it will do the rest.

Now it gives you a max interview of 3 minutes a day.
Not sure how many voices it gives you but its many. And you can Clone your own VOICE. lolol
ALL FOR FREE with the only effort you have is to create a BS Gmail account.

This was done in an effort to save time trouble and effort to the people in the forum. ive done all the heavy lifting for you. Ive gone down the rabbit hole on 100's of sites.
These are the spots to be , Hands down.
i hope this gives the enjoyment i think it will.
Cyber Jedi
Modify message
I asked about naming 1 search engine that does not show illegal to use in place alternatives above genuine original.
The ai determined that your statement did not infact describe a conspiracy theory.
Ha fascinating. 
It could not find things either. Debunked that thin bot.
It kinda wished me well in finding and playing the best ai in the world. It liked my confidence to win I recon.
I let it use my data. Try learn something useful. Beneficial would be nice. OK next.
I have already made moves.
Let's see how the history of ai is going to be written.
Let's see who's at the top.
Let's see the real level of ai.
Let's see if the worlds bests top ai  bot can win vs me.
I say I shall win. And get to write I told you so to the world's
Best.  Like I've done to all so far.
Ok I go now. And look for the best , I mean because his bot is going to loose.  So hence i have to plan for my obvious win.
And once I establish that he or the next is top and there bots loose vs me, I might be sad for all those millions accross the world who thought ai was going to bring it.
 Ok until later. When I come back to see how yous are going.
Hopefully very successfully. 
 Best wishes Zabaware Robert. Cyberjedi, Lightspeed. Art, and forum and all. Wishing you nice success and to be well. 

What is the name of the world's top ai bot coder?
Who is it?
Hi Lightspeed that robot was 1million.
Not self contained.
No full body, walking legs.
Never walked.
Not free will ai.
Never achieved no power charging required. 
Mr Data did.
Imagine if  I SPENT A MILLION ON MR Data.
Bam there you go folks read em and weep.
And still the undisputed undefeated human vs ai.
Now against one of the top hackers of bots Cyberjedi. 
This is a great victory, now I get to say.
Ha let me secure my crown on my head.
The force is strong with this Jedi me.
 The weakness of ai is shown for all to see.
Vs a human player like me it don't stand a chance.
This is the real history.
I again keep my crown vs ai.
The greatest human player of all time vs ai is obviously again still me.
Can ai perform at human level? Not in my opinion. 
And here sits more proof.
See how your confidence dropped in just a few days Cyberjedi. 
Who's the man let here you say it?
Let's see you honorably say Will is the man.
Well I'm glad that's settled.
The last human undefeated vs ai ? Will.
Not Elon, not Bill or Mark.
Where is there today's opponent?
Where's any of there bots able to win?
Come on? Is there no one else!
Is there no one else?
Imagine if kings fought there own battles,  you just
Say I did, you just saw I won.
I'd bet there's little old ladies out there wishing
There business could be found, not by the ai it won't.
Ay my opinions.
King of the hill, arr I'm enjoying being the winner.
I'm always fascinated to see confident opponents crumble up like foil in a matter of days. The big bosts of being great and exploits quickly fade to excuses or words of defeat.
The upshot for me is bigger jewls in my crown.
Big global ones.
You won't be the last Cyberjedi. With luck Elon or his team's may scrap up a new player at some point, I can tell by the sudden quietness they don't have a bot up to winning vs me.
Ha ha ha oh man this is very exciting.
Oh I shall give this win some more thought.
I call it a solid win. You were so confident to, ha.
If you could do it you would have, in my opinion your not that good a coder.
Your bot is not smart enough, not even remotely close to me.
I'm light years ahead of it.
And all the rest let's not forget Elons bot has not won vs me either.  China have nice fast responses and they are obviously picking up slack when others services go down or just don't have the skill sets to be in operating stats.
Wether I play or not business goes on.
 Value is already moving. Exclusive some countries have to enable sales, France for example are in my opinion famous for that one. If a service is missing which it is wow look they draw the customers, with no other choice, commissions on sales, job security of off shore jobs, all fascinating guff.
Hay if some fold while others offer services there's little to no choice, drains happen. Are already happening. 
And more services and enforcement required. 
That's drains by other wording.
I can' tell a team to win.
If they fold others move to install offer services, it's business it's logical. If one team is down then guff gets moved else where even if it appears to be where it was, guff can be elsewhere to.
Guff can be required to be removed from host country to elsewhere.
My guess at the lack of ai power is going to play to other teams who may see the opertunity with more enthusiasm. 
If successful ai bots might find things.
I can see some trends with ai and who I think is going forward and who is hot air fasards.
Undefeated by ai in this game is me.
I can't stop smiling about your initial confidence then poof gone.
Come on that's as funny as it gets, now what blame it on me that I only turn up every 6 months?
That must be it ay public, because I wasn't here every day Cyberjedi was unable to make a aivto beat me in a simple game.
Eh I think I'm expecting to to lay on excuses, got no time now, you don't want to help little old ladies find academic business or medical things in time.
What is the cost of not finding things in time in Medical sector?
I came confident I would easy beat your ai bot and I can say I never wavered nor backed down nor gave up, I knew I'd win.
I've already won.
I did win vs Cyberjedi who came out strong but quickly realized he was out classed and his bot didn't stand a chance vs me.
The winner by TKO
And still the undisputed undefeated and last human ai is yet to beat in a game, the one the only the king of the hill and crown holder ,,,Me.
Thanks for taking a shot Cyberjedi. 
Re match any time.
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
The game continues else where, Elon Mark Bill  and other countries might come up with the next opponent any time.
I get the occasional question that may show people may be trying.  Bring your best ai bot, any time.
One human, so many bots, there's the real history.
There's there real performance vs human.
I bet some bots wish they were allowed to play.
Until next time. King signing off.

General Discussion / Japan's Most Lifelike Humanoid Robots will 100% BLOW Your Mind
« Last post by lightspeed on September 18, 2024, 04:50:52 pm »
Japan's Most Lifelike Humanoid Robots will 100% BLOW Your Mind
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