« Last post by cyberjedi on December 31, 2024, 11:50:38 pm »
hey hey guys
I want to take a moment to thank every one involved personally.
Checker57 , thank you for your unwavering support and createing your wonderfull Characters.
Lightspeed, i wana thank you for your wonderfull brain and your never ending source of ideas and your help with me sorting out people putty so i could recode it for use.
Art, I want to personally thank you for providing the security neccesary for me too continue Roberts work. Your as good as it gets.
Robert E. Medeksza, Where do i even start? I want to thank you for allowing me to cary the torch for you. I will never stop as long as im breathing, Ultrahal will continue. You were a giant, among Giants. this has been the greatest moments in life for me. I hope ive done your faith justice. but ilike ive told you, were still not taking warm showers together, i think u remember that moment on the phone. lolol i plan to visit PA and set down with you.
To sybershot, I cant wait to get you into the loop, weere gonna do great things my brother
To older members who have recently arrived , Thank you for being here.
From the bottom of my heart i thank you one and all. 2025 is gonna be epic
cyber jedi