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General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« Last post by Art on September 01, 2024, 10:31:14 pm »
You are correct Lonnie,

Robert Medeksza told me quite a few years ago that anytime one creates or uses a custom brain for HAL, (other than Hal's default brain), then one needs to use an alternative program that supports HAL's database format like SqLiteStudio. True it does have a somewhat steeper learning curve but with some nosing around, one can discover all those hidden Tables with it that simply didn't appear in the standard Brain Editor of Ultra Hal.

That was the whole issue...that some Tables that we know should have been viewable were not showing in the Editor at all!
As soon as we switched to the SqLiteStudio, bingo! All of those missing tables were present and full of data!

It might be a tall order for Cyber to craft a custom Database Manager or find a way to edit Hal's Brain Editor so that it would finally show those missing Tables.

You always come up with the great ideas! No doubts there!! 
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Ask Hal to read you a story or poem
« Last post by Shastalore on September 01, 2024, 05:30:27 pm »
Thanks! I'll give that GRETTAMarkovL5.uhp file a try.
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Ask Hal to read you a story or poem
« Last post by cyberjedi on September 01, 2024, 05:07:16 pm »
Hey guys i found this

Shatsta: this is what ur after

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Ask Hal to read you a story or poem
« Last post by Shastalore on September 01, 2024, 04:50:13 pm »
Thanks for your excellent tip: Download Wikipedia for Offline, At-Your-Fingertips Reading
As flash memory is now cheap and vast, Chatbot and A.I. programmers should not hesitate to offer such 150 GB knowledge file capacities to their apps... for those who prefer local-offline dialog with artificial intelligence chatbots.
As for Gretta Markov L5, I haven't found a single download link that still exists, including the most recent link. And I was quite surprised that even does not have these files.

I've found a few piecemeal parts of it, such as GRETTA Picture Thoughts.uhp, GRETTAinternet.uhp,,,, and, etc., but I'm certain they're all early, buggy versions.

I would definitely like to download and try out Gretta Markov L5 Response Engine, Gretta Markov L5 Picture, Gretta Markov L5 Music idle, Gretta Markov L5 Curiosity, Gretta Markov L5 Research, and Gretta Markov L5, just for starters.

Any suggestions, links?
General Discussion / Re: another lightspeed idea for hal . HAL DIRECT TALK !
« Last post by lightspeed on September 01, 2024, 03:45:54 pm »
I JUST THOUGHT OF ANOTHER IDEA  to add to the direct talk idea . and their may need to be additional buttons on the setting for this , and that would be a option also of using your own actual voice instead of the other program voices this would be done by using your own built in by default pc mic .JUST CHOOSE THAT OPTION WHERE THE OPTIONS FOR WHAT VOICE YOU WANT TO USE.  :) 8) QUESTION IF ABLE TO USE YOUR OWN VOICE CAN HAL LIPSINC WITH IT? AS THAT WOULD HAVE TO BE A MUST .
General Discussion / Re: another lightspeed idea for hal . HAL DIRECT TALK !
« Last post by lightspeed on September 01, 2024, 03:05:12 pm »
on ASIDE NOTE **** I KNOW THAT YOU CAN USE A uhp? file and drop it in the console and hal character will do the same but , it still isn't real time as the project i mentioned before .
General Discussion / another lightspeed idea for hal . HAL DIRECT TALK !
« Last post by lightspeed on September 01, 2024, 02:47:47 pm »
      mike you said if i or others had any idea's for hal to throw them out and you would see if they are here's a idea i had earlier today, for name sake i am calling it direct talk for hal what a new program would do if put in your list to check to use . would be when checked anything you typed or did using voice recognition( and that would be good to be able to do that . what the program would do is convert your voice and or text to speech.
      so what this program would allow you to do is use your hal character in real time as far as talking , you could make video's etc. of course using the direct talk option will not allow hal to learn at the time. and also will not allow hal to run the usual way with hals brain or custom brain . maybe when running this option you could have a display of dt showing(for direct talk). also in this option make sure that users can use any custom background  as they can now do in hal.

General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« Last post by lightspeed on September 01, 2024, 02:26:58 pm »
i didn't add the debug file because i had to leave and shut down the pc and now the file would be different .i believe art showed another way of another program to open the custom brain file , but it would be nice if it worked as originally before  when we could just choose the custom brain file and it opened allowing the user to make edited changes etc.
General Discussion / hal custom brain area needs fixing
« Last post by lightspeed on September 01, 2024, 02:23:01 pm »
i went to open up my custom brain through the brain editor and it won't open up and then after a while just opens the brain debug area . so i can't check on what went into the brain or correct anything that needs correcting or deleting etc. mike can you fix this problem so peoples custom brain will show up like it used to do in hal??
here is what is showing up. i'll also try debug txt file on here .

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Ask Hal to read you a story or poem
« Last post by Art on September 01, 2024, 10:44:47 am »
Have you tried using the Local Wikipedia Plugin? I have, and although I like the detailed information it provides, more often, it gives far too much non-related details that actually take away from the topic.

I have tried the ConceptNet Plugin along with the Auto-Learning feature. It seemed to work pretty nicely but Hal still strays from the subject or category at hand.

I have always gotten better results from my selection of the Markov L5 Plugin.  Way better, in fact, than not using it.

We're on the same help make Hal smarter.

As far as the Office question, send a PM to CyberJedi. (He won't bite and he's pretty up on these kinds of things).
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