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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Amazing Character Skins
« Last post by Skinz on Today at 08:14:19 am »
Morgan Freeman skin made with stable diffusion online.


Here's a preview of some faces you can do with stable difusion.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: New Character Heads
« Last post by Skinz on Today at 08:05:33 am »
Morgan Freeman. I made the face with stable diffusion here
You can ask it to draw any face from a command prompt and then use that for a skin.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Amazing Character Skins
« Last post by Skinz on Today at 07:59:10 am »
oops, I forgot about those, I'll have to get some off of the old skins until I make some new ones.
Thanks Mr Art.
I'm going to be else where a little while.
So forgive if I don't reply quickly.
I'm much happier when things are nice.
For now I step back.
I feel zabaware is worth the effort and I thank Robert, Cyberjedi,  Art, forum, hals, all.
Wishing you all nice success and to be well.
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Amazing Character Skins
« Last post by Art on December 07, 2024, 10:28:04 pm »
Nice work but what about the eyes, teeth, etc.? Are they to be added in post or similar?
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Fullbody Mods
« Last post by cyberjedi on December 07, 2024, 07:40:15 pm »
Skinz lol


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Fullbody Mods
« Last post by Skinz on December 07, 2024, 05:11:06 pm »
I think We can port these skins into fortnite
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: New Character Heads
« Last post by Skinz on December 07, 2024, 04:35:24 pm »
Here is Lucie, she is getting some new dentures put in next week so check back, she's gonna look fresh!


Here is a 4k skin of Lucie
Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Make your own Skins
« Last post by Skinz on December 07, 2024, 04:16:20 pm »
Here is a collection of wrap around 3D head textures with full hair maps, male and female plus i've included some hi-res faces for if you want to swap faces over, you will need photoshop to stretch the images to fit the UV map. After you have made your skin I recommend using Topaz photo AI for upscaling and sharpening. For getting the exposure and contrast levels right I recommend Luminar Neo, as contrast and lighting makes a huge difference to how realistic you can get the skins looking.

Finally grab any old head and use haptargh to swap the skin out.

Have fun!  ;D

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: New Character Heads
« Last post by cyberjedi on December 07, 2024, 04:05:15 pm »
skinz hey hey

thats my fault, i need to repatch that project

i did 09 ,and got it working then went , oh here u go lightspedd

thats on me , srry

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