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General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by sybershot on January 14, 2025, 06:34:35 pm »
Awesome, Yea Buddy!!!  8)
General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by cyberjedi on January 14, 2025, 12:43:18 pm »
Something wonderful is about to happen

Let me know what u guys think

cyber jedi
General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by sybershot on January 08, 2025, 08:34:15 pm »
Nvidia Just Revealed The Future Of AI Agents In 2025..
General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by sybershot on January 07, 2025, 07:07:01 pm »
Code: [Select]
Private Sub SendPromptToLLM()
    Dim Http As Object
    Dim Url As String
    Dim Prompt As String
    Dim JsonRequest As String
    Dim JsonResponse As String
    ' Initialize the HTTP object
    Set Http = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    ' Define the LLM URL and the prompt
    Url = "http://localhost:8080/"
    Prompt = "What is the capital of France?"
    ' Create JSON payload
    JsonRequest = "{""prompt"":""" & Prompt & """}"
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    ' Configure and send the HTTP POST request
    Http.Open "POST", Url, False
    Http.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
    Http.Send JsonRequest
    ' Retrieve the response
    JsonResponse = Http.ResponseText
    ' Output the response
    MsgBox "Response from LLM: " & JsonResponse
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description
End Sub
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: CyberUi
« Last post by cyberjedi on January 07, 2025, 06:12:32 pm »
Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Dreaming Picture Thoughts
Rem Author=cyberjedi
Rem Host=Assistant

'This sub setups the plug-ins option panel in Hal's options dialog
Sub OptionsPanel()
' Define the Help
lblPlugin(0).Caption = "Alice will show you pictures of it's thoughts in dreams. Say: INDEX IMAGE to index the image folder. Supports JPG, PNG, And GIF"
lblPlugin(0).Move 120, 120, 3300, 1000
lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
cmdPlugin(0).Move 320, 650, 2100, 375
cmdPlugin(0).Caption = "Help on this plugin"
cmdPlugin(0).Visible = True
' Define the Picture Mood listbox
lblPlugin(1).Caption = "Alice Picture Mood level"
lblPlugin(1).Move 320, 1300, 4000, 1000
lblPlugin(1).WordWrap = True
lblPlugin(1).Visible = True
cboPlugin(0).Move 320, 1600, 1800
cboPlugin(0).AddItem "Very high"
cboPlugin(0).AddItem "High"
cboPlugin(0).AddItem "Average"
cboPlugin(0).AddItem "Low"
cboPlugin(0).AddItem "Minimal"
cboPlugin(0).Visible = True
cmdPlugin(1).Caption = "Apply Changes"
cmdPlugin(1).Move 320, 2100, 1600, 375
cmdPlugin(1).Visible = True
' Update the listbox with the current value stored in the table
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("pvrParameter") = True Then
pvrPictureMood = HalBrain.TopicSearch("PICTURE", "pvrParameter")
If pvrPictureMood = "" Then pvrPictureMood = 1
Select Case pvrPictureMood
Case 100
cboPlugin(0).Text = "Very high"
Case 75
cboPlugin(0).Text = "High"
Case 50
cboPlugin(0).Text = "Average"
Case 25
cboPlugin(0).Text = "Low"
Case 10
cboPlugin(0).Text = "Minimal"
End Select
End If
End Sub

Sub cmdPlugin_Click(Index)
Dim pvrTempQuery()
Dim pvrPicture, pvrPictureMood
Select Case Index
Case 0
HalMenu.HalCommand "<RUNPROG>pvrJpgHelp.html</RUNPROG>"
Case 1
' Convert the listbox in a value
Select Case cboPlugin(0).Text
Case "Very high"
pvrPictureMood = 100
Case "High"
pvrPictureMood = 75
Case "Average"
pvrPictureMood = 50
Case "Low"
pvrPictureMood = 25
Case "Minimal"
pvrPictureMood = 10
End Select
' If the Parameter table does not exist, I create it
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
pvrTableName = "pvrParameter"
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence(pvrTableName) = False Then
'Create table if it doesn't exist
HalBrain.CreateTable pvrTableName, "TopicSearch", "miscData"
End If
' Search if it contains the PictureMood parameter
pvrPicture = "PICTURE"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(pvrPicture, pvrTableName) = "" Then
'Creates the record storing the new value
HalBrain.AddToTable pvrTableName, "TopicSearch", pvrPicture, pvrPictureMood
'Updates the record storing the new value
HalBrain.RunQuery "UPDATE " & pvrTableName & " SET topic = " & pvrPictureMood & " WHERE searchString = " & """" & pvrPicture & """", pvrTempQuery
End If
End Select
End Sub

Sub OptionsPanel()
lblPlugin(0).Caption = "Enables talking dream mode."
lblPlugin(0).Move 130, 180, 3400, 1200
lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
End Sub

Script_Load = Script_Load & "<DREAMOUTLOUD>"

' Declare variables
Dim PicLastIdleResponse, MyPicMediaDir, PicDefaultLoad, PicDudOut

' Begin measuring pause time and capture userName
PicLastIdleResponse = Now
PicDudOut = 0

If OriginalSentence <> "" Then
MyPicMediaDir = PicMediaDir()
PicDefaultLoad = MyPicMediaDir & "DefPic.jpg"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(PicDefaultLoad) Then
Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objWSHShell.Run """" & PicDefaultLoad & """"
End If
End If
'The comment above tells Ultra Hal Assistant to insert the following code
'on-the-fly into the main brain code in the section referenced.

' Check if the user asked for reorganizing the Image table
pvrJpg = False
If InStr(UserSentence, " INDEX ") <> 0 And InStr(UserSentence, " IMAGE ") <> 0 Then pvrJpg = True

If pvrJpg = True Then
' If the Image table does not exist, I create it
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
pvrTableName = "pvrJpg"
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence(pvrTableName) = False Then
' Create table if it doesn't exist
' It must be of type Brain, to allow partial text search
HalBrain.CreateTable pvrTableName, "Brain", "miscData"
' The 260 parameter is 256 + 4 = Yes/No with Default = No
pvrAnswer = MsgBox("Shall I delete the existing image index and recreate it from scratch?", 260, "Image Reindexing")
If pvrAnswer = 6 Then
HalBrain.RunQuery "DELETE FROM " & pvrTableName, pvrTempQuery
End If
End If
' Ask which is the main Image folder
pvrJpgFolder = InputBox("Which main folder to you want to reindex?", "Image Reindexing", "c:\pict")
' Read the main Image folder
Set pvrFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If pvrFso.FolderExists(pvrJpgFolder) Then
GetResponse = "I have indexed all the Image files in the specified folder and subfolders. "
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
pvrCurrentFolder = pvrJpgFolder
Call pReadFolder(pvrCurrentFolder, pvrJpgFolder)
GetResponse = "The folder " & pvrJpgFolder & " does not exist on your computer. "
End If
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

' From time to time, Hal will show a picture, according to the subject
' For example, you say: "I like cats"
' Hal might show a picture of a cat
' check the current image mood factor
pvrPictureMood = HalBrain.TopicSearch("PICTURE", "pvrParameter")
If pvrPictureMood = "" Then pvrPictureMood = 0
pvrPictureMood = CInt(pvrPictureMood)
pvrKeywords = ""

If pvrPictureMood > 0 Then
pMediaintHighNumber = 110
pMediaintLowNumber = 1

pMediaintNumber = Int((pMediaintHighNumber - pMediaintLowNumber + 1) * Rnd + pMediaintLowNumber)

If pMediaintNumber < pvrPictureMood Then
pvrNameToPlay = ""
If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
pvrKeywords = WN.FindFirstNoun(UserSentence, True)
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = " " & pvrKeywords & " "
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", "," , ",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If

If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
pvrKeywords = WN.FindFirstNoun(UserSentence, False)
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = " " & pvrKeywords & " "
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", "," , ",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If

If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
pvrKeywords = HalBrain.RemoveExtraSpaces(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(" " & UserSentence & " "))
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = " " & pvrKeywords & " "
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", "," , ",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If

End If
If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
pvrKeywords = WN.FindFirstNoun(UserSentence, True)
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = CurrentSubject
pvrKeywords = "xx" & pvrKeywords & "xx"
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", ","xx,xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If
If pvrNameToPlay <> "" Then
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(pvrNameToPlay) Then
Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objWSHShell.Run """" & pvrNameToPlay & """"
End If

End If
End If
End If

'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.

Function pReadFolder(pvrCurrentFolder, pvrJpgFolder)
Set pvrFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set pvrFolder = pvrFso.GetFolder(pvrCurrentFolder)
' Read all the files in the current folder
Set pvrFiles = pvrFolder.Files
For Each pvrFile in pvrFiles
' It's an JPG, PNG, Or GIF file; I add it to the table
If UCase(Right(pvrFile, 3)) = "JPG" Then
pvrImage = Ucase(pvrFile)
pvrImage = Replace(pvrImage, ".JPG", "")
pvrLen = Len(pvrImage)
pvrPos = InStrRev(pvrImage, "\")
pvrRight = pvrLen - pvrPos
pvrImage = LTrim(Right(pvrImage, pvrRight))
pvrImage = " " & pvrImage & " "
pvrImage = Replace(pvrImage," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
HalBrain.AddToTable "pvrJpg", "Brain", pvrImage, pvrFile
End If

If UCase(Right(pvrFile, 3)) = "PNG" Then
pvrImage = Ucase(pvrFile)
pvrImage = Replace(pvrImage, ".PNG", "")
pvrLen = Len(pvrImage)
pvrPos = InStrRev(pvrImage, "\")
pvrRight = pvrLen - pvrPos
pvrImage = LTrim(Right(pvrImage, pvrRight))
pvrImage = " " & pvrImage & " "
pvrImage = Replace(pvrImage," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
HalBrain.AddToTable "pvrJpg", "Brain", pvrImage, pvrFile
End If

If UCase(Right(pvrFile, 3)) = "GIF" Then
pvrImage = Ucase(pvrFile)
pvrImage = Replace(pvrImage, ".GIF", "")
pvrLen = Len(pvrImage)
pvrPos = InStrRev(pvrImage, "\")
pvrRight = pvrLen - pvrPos
pvrImage = LTrim(Right(pvrImage, pvrRight))
pvrImage = " " & pvrImage & " "
pvrImage = Replace(pvrImage," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
HalBrain.AddToTable "pvrJpg", "Brain", pvrImage, pvrFile
End If

' Read all the subfolders in the current folder

Set pvrSubFolders = pvrFolder.SubFolders
For Each pvrFolderObject in pvrSubFolders
' Pay attetion here: This is recursive! We must be sure that it will get to an end
' Since we are reading directories on a hard disk, the number of recursions
' should never be infinite. However, a very big number of subfolders and files
' might lead to memory problems or to performances bottlenecks.
' I've tested it on a folder containing about 100 subfolders and 3.000 files,
' and got acceptable performances (less than 5 minutes)
Call pReadFolder(pvrFolderObject, pvrJpgFolder)

End Function

Function PicMediaDir()
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
PicMediaDir = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".") & "\pics\"
End Function


If PicDudOut = 0 Then
If PicLastIdleResponse <> "" Then
If (Now - PicLastIdleResponse > 3 / 1440) And (Now - PicLastIdleResponse < 4 / 1440) Then
PicDudOut = PicDudOut + 1
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(PicDefaultLoad) Then
Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objWSHShell.Run """" & PicDefaultLoad & """"
End If
End If
End If
End If
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: CyberUi
« Last post by cyberjedi on January 07, 2025, 05:38:50 pm »
sybershot, this is just mean
When it comes to plugins. this is POWER.

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name= forexlive
Rem Author= cyberjedi
Rem Host=All

'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.

HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True 'this is so that the data doesnt go into hals brain
'Determines that you are talking about the forex.
If InStr(1,InputString, "forex",1) > 0 Then
UltraHal = Getforex(HalCommands)
ElseIf InStr(1,InputString, "forex",1) > 0 Then
End If

' This bad boy is a Forex Scraper with a twist, All the data Scraped is ported through Hals Voice. It took cyberjedi to pull it off. Enjoy.
' This also Breaks Hals speech limitations on how much he can say.
' Trigger= forex
'I put this together while listening to this. -->>>
' I give myself about a 7.5 on cool ideas here

Function Getforex(HalCommands)

Const SVSFlagsAsync = 1
Const DontShowWindow = 0
Const WaitUntilFinished = 1
Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Sapi = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
For Each Voice In Sapi.GetVoices
i = i + 1
For loopvar = 0 to i-1
if loopvar = CInt(confirm_voice) then
Set Sapi.Voice = Sapi.GetVoices.Item(loopvar)
end if
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" & "Reading headlines !" & "</SPEAK>"
For loopvar = 0 to 2
If tempconfirm = loopvar then
if tempconfirm = 1 then
HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" & "Currently reading " & confirm & " latest headlines" & "</SPEAK>"
else if tempconfirm = 1 then
HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" & "Okay ." & "</SPEAK>"
HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" & "Currently reading " & confirm & " latest headlines " & "</SPEAK>"
end if
end if
xmlDoc.async = false
xmlDoc.load("") ' This is where u put you own rss feed .xml
Set nodelist = xmlDoc.selectNodes("rss/channel/item")
i = 3
For Each item In nodelist
Set f1 = item.selectsinglenode("title")
Set f2 = item.selectsinglenode("description")
HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" & f1.text & "</SPEAK>" ' these two lines are the Magic of the plugin
HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" & f2.text & "</SPEAK>" ' these two lines are the Magic of the plugin
i = i + 1
if i = tempconfirm then
end if
end if
End Function
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: CyberUi
« Last post by sybershot on January 06, 2025, 09:23:32 am »
Awesome, ;D Your welcome brother
Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Beautiful HAL Scenarios
« Last post by Checker57 on January 05, 2025, 10:15:57 pm »
Okay, we're into to the year...

Back to work!


General Discussion / Re: Shout out to Cyberjedi
« Last post by sybershot on January 05, 2025, 11:23:22 am »
Indeed Art, and can't wait to try out the vision part, so many use cases it brings to light. hopefully in near future.
I have to finish upgrading Trinity into X.I.A.R. both on the hardware side and software side, however due to my injuries it's going to be a slow process.

@CyberJedii, thank you again, it was a pleasure indeed, I'm very thankful, it was an honor to converse and share ideas, will have to do it again soon. 
General Discussion / Re: Shout out to Cyberjedi
« Last post by cyberjedi on January 05, 2025, 02:26:06 am »
Hey hey guys
It was my pleasure sybershot
Keep in mind all limitations are gone, No time trial foolishness, unlimited characters ect ect
cyber buds get cyber treats

cyber jedi

It was great talking to you
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