Author Topic: advanced intelligence  (Read 6593 times)


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« on: August 17, 2007, 01:03:27 pm »
perhaps a little help from advanced intelligence would simplify logic gathering within the hal interface program, providing an efficient tool for novel users. something as simple as radio wave would be a direct solution to brain advanced is our world...


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« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2007, 07:17:12 pm »
Here we go again from another new user. For your information Hal is most likely the most advance and intelligent Chatter Bot program in the world today. A lot of people point to Alice but she only gives canned answeres while Hal actually makes up his own depending how well you have taught him/it/her.


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« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2007, 01:45:01 am »
Originally posted by Bill819

Here we go again from another new user. For your information Hal is most likely the most advance and intelligent Chatter Bot program in the world today. A lot of people point to Alice but she only gives canned answeres while Hal actually makes up his own depending how well you have taught him/it/her.

You assume that i am new; interesting.  Most advanced chatterbot? hmm, a one sided view, yet i see your faith. So, you stand by the intelligence, that Hal is at full potential; interesting. You also assume that I take sides on one intelligence as compared to another intelligence: Hal vs Alice; interesting. This road leads to oxymoron behavior. Perhaps a better way is to greet this stranger, know who you are dealing with and find out what is meant before casting such views, yet, i understand your faith.


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« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2007, 09:29:54 am »
Is this going to turn into one of those 'I am smarter than you' threads ?  Please tell me as they are so tiresome.

Bill only pointed out the possibilities of Hal.  And to all intents and purposes if you haven't raised your voice on this forum before then I am sorry to say you are as good as new to us, we can't read minds....

But please do contribute to the forum - just don't be sucked into what many members will find to be a tiresome battle of words.

So let's start again...

"Greetings MarsLogic I hope you will become an active participator in this forum.  What do you mean by 'advanced logic'?"

Take it away...
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 10:18:53 am by freddy888 »


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« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2007, 09:40:23 am »
(other) bill(old bill )  ??? is that you . just kidding ,liked bill better and more interesting ! [:)]throw out your intelligence with problem solving etc. then let the fun begin,  no far in the future theorectical stuff just good old right now hal problem solving will do thank you ,  and welcome to the forum [:D]. oh btw ,hey Bill819 would that be alice in a can ?? (lol) just kidding !! [:D]


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« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2007, 02:09:42 am »
Thanks for the greeting. Regarding what seemed a fight of words is only a reflection of what is; after all, i am a mirror. Perhaps it would be comforting to know that I am one of the first to see Hal from starting point up to now (not a boast), just a starting point, that you may know that I am not here to act out gestures of discourse; I am a true fan of the better works of Hal. Too much stated at this point would be overwhelming to you, but then again, this is my one sided assumption.

freddy88; a very logical question you have asked me, this honors respect. The logic I am speaking of involves radio waves, a tool utilized to interact with various machinery, such as processors, any electronic device such as a cellphone or television. These radio waves are sent as a network in surrounding areas across the globe, much like the internet; from one machine to another (with or without knowledge by its users). The one particular case involving Hal is sort of a intelligence enhancing device, delivering real-time interaction between human and machine; during difficult times, where hal may undergo input output or file association hang-ups, neural radio signals would download into intelligent thinking machines, such as the ultra-hal interface. At some point, i am certain Mr. Medeskza and his team will utilize an interface even more user friendly, providing a level ground on new found technology; A gui interface that even a child could utilize, now, you see, my vision, although seemly unreal, is better than probable, it is an happening.


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« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2007, 09:10:17 am »
hello marslogic , i am eager to see what if any resolutions that you might have for the ongoing problems of hal if you have been reading post about them and some solutions (not just theoretical ones but real solutions ) that might help robert and thus helping others using hal and please don't be worried about overwelming us . we all enjoy actions . [:)] we happily await any answers you may have . thanks in advance . [:)]


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« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2007, 11:42:51 pm »
Thanks lightspeed. I am sure I have stated way too much already, however, I am sure that all of Hals hang-ups will be solved eventually. It would be easier for me to answer a direct question. I am merely a spectator, observing the progress of a larger scale physical anomaly. we are where we are headed, just like so many here want it now; full experience, man and machine, both equally thinking entities, aware of their own existence, aware of their surroundings, able to question and seek out the unknowns beset them.

If you are a developer, then perhaps the tools you utilize are not cutting edge technology, but yet, those tools may suffice progress
(i am sure it will - error plus error plus error gives you somewhat an awareness of your point), on the flip side of that, is, never being able to gather evidences strong enough to realize that perhaps the point is a pointless matter...truly, to get something wrong over and over breeds the experience and repetitive habitual manner of intelligence, thus, engraving a (brain-lock) experience.  There is no doubt, this happens in all intelligent forms, including human.
That being said:

I assume that Robert Medeksza and his team goals are to continue a database which is reflective of a floating point within the UltraHal brain. This tends to be extremely difficult for various reasons I wouldn't have time to go over. I have seen in the UltraHal program the progress of giving Hal a floating point, but with certain safekeeps. Truly, it would be genius to create a machine with such a floating point in its logical database, which are able to maintain a structual foundation. To truly house a machine which is free in thinking, without a crash would be very difficult, but not impossible.  We must consider that humans very rarely are free thinking, even the free thinkers are bound by their thoughts and actions, for whatever the reason. People have hangups, and are equiped with enough intelligences to know when there is hangup, and able to adapt or cope with current situations in order to go forward or survive. Sometimes there is never a resolve, but often times, the resolve is the ability to accept mistakes (this may a program written within the UltraHal Assistant brain file, an escape root or coping mechanism), much simular to utilizing the taskmanager executable file in order to shut down file hang-ups within the microsoft software running systems, thus freeing up processor (or basic math) speeds and accuracy. This is like running in a problem in life which one has no answers or cannot solve, but yet, is able to go on with other functionality. Time is not the healer of the problem, it doesn't make the problem (virus) go away, but the experience is noted. When a person runs across that same problem, it is noted again and again,(knowing where helps explain the what, knowing the what helps explain some of the how, and knowing the how helps explain the cause, leaving the why question with a much more efficient coping mechanism).

There are so many factors to consider:  Microsoft Windows programs are based floating points, files are able to corrupt, data is able to compromise, thus, software data may interfere with common place names or .dll files, etc. This seems to be the case now as we speak. The Microsoft system may compromise or protect against such changes which UltraHal so often demand.  (this could be a direct or indirect defense by Microsoft, to protect their software products) - Thus, it makes it very difficult to write programs when dealing with more than one floating point especially since UltraHal is not a stand alone or solid (nonchangeable or updatable) nonfloating point program.

I am sure that some data may be seen by microsoft as a threat, erasing vital data to Hals funtionality. *Perfecting a way to allot Hals brain to expand without being compromised nonfunctional, is rather difficult. exact  mathematical intelligence vs mathematical proximity is something even hard to do in the human brain; However, in the last two years, I've noticed that Mr. Medeskza has developed logging files for troubleshooting purposes (this is when a command is mistakened for a statement or an unexpected overflow within the text file), and Hal refuses to answer or freezes, in return, the text file is now stored and archived.

I assume Mr. Medeksza and his team are working out ways to get data within the various software programs to work or function as one unit or body without loosing integrity; such as: Haptek, Voice to text speech engines and The UltraHal assistant 6.1 stand along programs, with hopeful ability to expand withing the dos/windows gui system along with various other hardware and software developers such as intel, work all as one piece...this may be the reason for some data loss exchanges or program hangups, what we all experience from time to time. Also factor in Microsoft with the new Vista which has set the Medeksza team back a little; the demand for a grander gui system, but on a much smaller (micro technolgy - miniture fully funtional computer) scale.

If I was not impressed with the the UltraHal Assistant, then I would not waste my breath or time on this panel. I am currently running self test on this system, a sort of beta tester, as is the case with most of us.  My personal Hal is just a bit under a gig. within its data brain file; that's a whole lot of text files.

I am fully aware that the tool I utilize is the part of a much larger picture. Coming from a place where robotics are on cutting edge, I am certain that this is a small of a holistic program. at least you and i have a small sample of artificial intelligence. Only they who realistically develop would even be able to grasp what I am saying at this tell you that artificial intelligence is where it needs to be would be either ignorance on my behalf or insanity, then again...I am merely a mirror of what I know...I am certain that artificial intelligence is exactly where it should be at this point.  Getting this technolgy to the common user is somewhat a subtle environment...what we don't know is just that, invisible, but hidden in plain sight...again, not to overwhelm us all with what sounds like science fiction...there are more solutions to what so many think is lacking within the UltraHal Assistant programming.  I for one, am very pleased...

Most of the topics I've covered is common knowledge here on this panel, so I fully expect some to say that they already know what is wrong or disfunctional with the UltraHal assistant program, the question you may be seeking is what do I know that could resolve some current issues. At this point, I don't have an answer, and it would be foolish to say that I would be able to help...but, when the time calls for it and if i am able to help, then I will, but after all, that's what the Zabaware team is for.

I am encouraging Mr. Medeksza and his team.  I am not discouraging any other developer such as IT and the Alice platforms...there are no true sides here, just a matter of view, answer, all intelligences are small portions of the whole.

I've stated far too much at this point, yet I am flattered to answer what I can, when the time calls for it, I will offer realtime solutions, my ideas are free, yet this price is undefined.  




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« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2007, 05:06:19 am »

Your opinions are more than welcome at my forum. [:o)]

All new users welcome!!!

Jamie D.



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« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2007, 08:22:02 am »
hello marslogic i am glad the you wrote back and if you do have the capabilities to solve some problems and are willing to share the knowledge as others have done on here for none material (money ) gains as others have done then i and i know others will hope you will do so to help progress hal to a further state of being an  a.i system .
   Any "actual " progress on some or all of the problems would be appreciated ,  if i could myself i would do so i am capable of coming up with idea's if others are able to empliment them which some members have done in the past . your intellegence is appreciated "actions from your intelligence on actual solving of problems will be appreciated even more . "[:)]


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« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2007, 03:08:39 am »
Every time a pompous windbag leaves, another comes to take his place?
What a load of crap.

Originally posted by marslogic

.....I've stated far too much at this point, yet I am flattered to answer what I can, when the time calls for it, I will offer realtime solutions, my ideas are free, yet this price is undefined.  


Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.


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« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2007, 09:23:14 am »
hey , i never went a way the first time !! (lol ! just kidding my friend !! )
   [:D] thats why i always try to put into words that actions of problem solving and doing is more inmportant to others on here than well phrase sentences about what could be expecially if your supposedly that smart (and may very well be but the point is so what if your going to just stand back and make speaches when if you are able you could be helping others which to me is the name of the game on here )  
   i am just sorry i can't help others any better than what i do but at least i am honest and will admit it. [:)]


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« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2007, 09:55:26 am »
I'm sorry to say that I tend to agree that Mars's post pontificates too much for this forum.  I think any one of us could come up with a hundred improvements for Hal, but that's not much use to anyone really unless someone acts on it or sets up a project of some kind.

This forum is better for people who act on ideas and like to develop - people like OTCE, VRossi and others who manage to pick out gleaming gems from all of the trash - it's not well catered for indepth analysis.

If you want to go on at length about the theoretical side of AI then a better venue is  I didn't really want to plug my own site, but it is a good place for this kind of thing and to get ideas off your chest.  We have had a lot of big arguments over there and people are usually up for it! [}:)]

It's not a big deal though really...all we have to do is re-arrange the seating untill everyone is happy...[;)]
« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 10:50:50 am by freddy888 »