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Messages - lightspeed

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maybe i should run a disclaimer about my idea i would hate to see some guy try to get intimate and get his whacker shocked with 110 volts , ha !!! [:D][;)]

maybe this is something taboo a subject about finding a love doll if you can find one realistic enough to use as a robot or animated outer skin covering ( not for sex) as i see people have read this but no one has wrote any comments . i would think this would be a perfect outer skin to make it look like a real person after all i have seen japanese robots that look like a woman but the outer skin was made of a silicone or something like that ( to heavy that you could use for an animated (previuosly santa or snow man ) so i suggested a realistic looking love doll skin of a women . mayeby some think its a stupid idea maybe some are afraid to comment because of the subject i don't know , to me it makes sense as it is as light as the covering of the outer material of santa or a snowman , just my thoughts anyway .

here is an idea , buy a life like love dolluse the material like a skin and put down over the wire and electronic frame add some fiberfill stuffing in it.(of former santa, etc.) and you would have a staionary robot that would twist , move the head and arms would swing as it twisted and lip would move by sinc with ultra hals voice . i already have a side project i am working on [8D]and have a set up with wireless mic and speakers to work with a voice recognition , so then you have a robot that will not only lipsinc to ultra hals words but also think and answer you , carry on a conversation, etc. [:D]if anyone is interested and may want to use these and is interested in where i got the wireless speakers and mic (seperate places) and the price just let me know .


jabba , i saw on a post about you asking about a way to put a button on your gate for people to push to make the santa , etc. work . plaqying the devils advacote here . if you do it remember theirs electricity involved and if anyone gets shocked , a law suit !! just a thought , even though i like your idea !! [:)]


hello , i own one of the santa claus animated have had it for about 6 years at laest when they first came out cost 60.00 we gotit half price for 30.00 after christmas . the face and hands are a hard plastic molded and the lower lip is what actually moves is a softer molded rubber . and yes you can talk through the mic and the santa will turn his head and mouth moves in sinc , i made a video tape this way to my mom , etc. looking like santa talking to them . also you can push a button and santa sings about 6 different songs . he is also motion activated something goes by he will sing one of the songs . i had thought about the same thing years ago using it for animation  with ultra hal. but you have to remember that what ever outfit you have to have it to waer has to be pretty light weight , i have my santa arms bent so that when he swivels side to dide he looks like he is waving (the arms inside feels like almost a wire coat hanger type only thicker metal ?? and is bendable. ) [:D]would be a great project though for anyone . these animated ones also come with electric plug in , and i think two mics ??

hello jerry , is their a way you can make this same emotion plug in but for a ultrahal 5 for people who use ultra hal 5. ?? or a universal type emotion that is compatable with all ?? just wondering (not trying to make more work for you .) [:D]and about the compliment i give 'em as i see 'em !![:D]

emotion plug in : will this only work with hal 6 ?? will it work with ultra hal 5 ?? and regaurdless of wether i can use it (if it wont work with ultra hal 5) i thank you for taking the time to develope this , i think its a great leap forward and also for sharing it with others , their is no more nobler deed . thanks again !! [:)]

to all concerned i found a great site called major geeks that has alot of freeware programs including avg anitivirus and also a avg antispyware that is also free . both great programs i have used for a long time if i get a virus that can't be healed it is moved into a virus vault where it cant hurt anything or i can delete it which i usually do. if you havent been to major geeks web site , i highly recomend it , theirs alot of good stuff on their you can use . [:D]p.s. i have in the past gotten that same program that tries to say your p.c. is infected and to try some antivirus software , i used my xp restore and restored it to a day before i had the problem and the problem was uninstalled and gone !! [:)]

hello cuttingedge2005, i read about your emotional plug for ultra hal i have a question though , suppose you wanted ultra hal to talk sexy talk (you talk to it and want it to talk back to you , will this plug in think its an insult while you are trying to get it to learn sexy talk conversation back and forth ?? and if that won't be a problem , if i download this emotion plug wher do i put it , in what file and do i have to take out or replace another file with it ?? am very interested in it.

General Discussion / general conversation into the brain
« on: December 08, 2006, 11:11:59 am »
hello carl2 , i am glad you find my script writing of general conversation interesting , this is actually a step i am taking to also use with a project of mine for myself that can make a more personalized answer from the a.i. i have pages of many things written in and always when watching t.v. write in more things on paper  that i later write into a script , this plus the additional regular learning will in my opinion make a very interesting a.i. system . [:D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / creating new heads, etc.
« on: November 22, 2006, 06:45:21 pm »
i am wondering do i just need a haptek player demo (if their is such a thing ) to create new heads and save them , or a paid version of the haptek player ?? would like to try to create some stuff if possible . and also thanks for info. on where to put the haptek heads into ultra hal. [:)]

General Discussion / general conversation into the brain
« on: November 21, 2006, 05:22:08 pm »
i have been putting in general conversation into the question and answer part in the brain script and has some interesting things as it answers it and of course is also learning from regular talk input . for instance i say , what are you going to be doing today , she may say : ooohh i don't know the house is starting to get a little messy i think i'm going to straighten some stuff up and vacume .  
 i have many different things in the brain , including holiday talk , weather , t.v., general talk . i sit down at nights and write in many different questions into a book then later put them into the brain !!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / New Heads and Skins
« on: November 21, 2006, 04:37:20 pm »
hello GamerThom , i downloaded the new anna head and it puts it in a happlayer ax and has a cosole nearby , is this face not like the other ones that has a jpeg skin so that i can save it and put it in my ultrahal ?? all i got in the download was anna haptar and anna .htl p.s. i really like this head it looks very nice !!!

General Discussion / other reading
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:05:06 am »
well i feel that even though poverty can make you honest or a crook sometimes it happens when your at the end of your rope sometimes its because you are just that type of a person to be a crook first over being honest and trying to get help through organizations , etc. but if you really want to see some corrupt crooks just look within our own goverment "all:" sides , the wealthy with tax loopholes , bribes, lobbiest, etc. agenda's but ..that as paul havey say's ...... is the rest of the story .... GOOD DAY !!" [:D]

General Discussion / other reading
« on: November 12, 2006, 02:42:47 pm »
hello, onthecuttingedge2005, i guess to a certain degree i would help a theif  if they needed something , but the help i would give them is trying to reason and give info to where they could go to get help if they needed food, etc. if they are doing being a theif out of a nessesaty thats one thing, for food, etc. but if they want to come in and steal my stuff that i got the hard way and unlike them wouldn't steal then i feel differently about it . i have been homeless in ca. with the exception of my car which i slept in until i could get things going again , as far as food many people may not know that many big name stores throw perfectly good new food away in their dumpsters , i know because i got some , land olakes butter, orange juice (the expensive kinds, bread, it was close to experation date and they just threw it out !! still in original containers .
also another thing if that theif like i see so many in kansas do is steal for drugs , would i be better to give him what i got honestly and the hard way so that he can pawn it for drugs . even when i was down and out i never stole and i never begged for money , i did without or found a way to get back on my feet . [:D]

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